李亞儒Lee, Ya-Ju許峯陽Syu, Fong-Yang2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060648024S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/112031本文研究常溫合成全無機鈣鈦礦CsPbBr3之鈣鈦礦光學材料特性與半導體記憶特性,用於發光與記憶體元件之應用。利用無機鈣鈦礦具有優良半導體的特性,我們以無機鈣鈦礦CsPbBr3製程薄膜元件,有發光與記憶之元件的效果。我們利用常溫合成無機鈣鈦礦的特性,並以X光繞射儀(XRD)、光激發螢光光譜(PL)、電子顯微鏡(SEM)用以鑑定材料之特性,最後製程多層結構鈣鈦礦元件。藉由微光顯影以提升元件特性,製作出匹配光激發電池(LEC)與可變電阻式記憶體(RRAM)的結合。通過觀察的I-V曲線,元件表現出設定電壓為5 V,復位電壓為-5 V,由此了解RRAM可以通過減緩缺陷累積來促進元件耐久性的優化。此外元件上的LEC在設定電壓為5 V發光,因此元件再同時間兼具RRAM與LEC的特性。In this study, we use room temperature synthesis approach to grow CsPbBr3 film for the fabrications of Light emitting cell (LEC) and Resistive random access memory (RRAM). The material characteristics of inorganic perovskite were systematically studied and identified by using X -ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence (PL), and electron microscopy (SEM). Through the proper design that involves a series of photolithography and semiconductor fabrications, the CsPbBr3 perovskite LEC and RRAM devices were successfully integrated. Such integrated device exhibits the set voltage was 5 V, and reset voltage was -5 V by monitoring the I–V curves, and the understanding of RRAM can promote the optimization of device endurance by slowing the defect accumulation rate. In addition, the device was emitting the light on the set voltage 5 V, so the device would have both property of RRAM and LEC at the same time.鈣鈦礦微光顯影常溫合成電阻式記憶體光激發電池PerovskiteLithographyRoom temperature synthesisResistive random access memoryLight emitting cell整合全無機鈣鈦礦電阻式記憶體與光激發電池於光電積體電路之應用Integration of all inorganic perovskite-based Resistive random access memory (RRAM) and Light emitting cell (LEC) for the application of optoelectronic integrated circuit