葉國樑Yeh, Gwo-Liang曹孟芳Tsao, Meng-Fang2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001053103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87245本研究之主要目的為瞭解大學生預防愛滋病使用保險套的現況,探討大學生愛滋病預防行為與各變項之相關,以新北市某大學103學年度在學的大學部學生為母群體,採橫斷研究分層集束比例抽樣,有效樣本392人,結果顯示: 一、 研究對象認為愛滋病是一個嚴重的疾病,但卻認為自己罹患愛滋病的可能性不高。男生的自覺愛滋病罹患性高於女生,女生的自覺愛滋病嚴重性高於男生。 二、 男生的自覺使用保險套障礙性高於女生,而女生的自覺使用保險套利益性及預防愛滋病使用保險套之行為意圖高於男生。 三、 第一次性行為是否使用保險套者對「自覺使用保險套利益」、「使用保險套行為意圖」有顯著相關。 四、 「自覺愛滋病嚴重性」、「自覺使用保險套利益」越高者其「使用保險套行為意圖」越高。 五、 「性別」、「性經驗」、「第一次性行為是否使用保險套」、「使用保險套頻率」、「自覺使用保險套利益」對使用保險套行為意圖最有預測力,其中以「自覺使用保險套利益」的解釋力最強。The main purpose of this study is to understand the current condom usage situation and associated AIDS prevention behaviors for college students enrolled in one university in New Taipei City of school year 2014. The cross - sectional study and stratified cluster sampling were used and 392 effective samples were collected. The results of this study showed that: 1. College students recognized AIDS is a severe disease, but they think their risks of contracting HIV were low. Male students had hihger conscious of contracting AIDS than female students. Female syudents had higher conscious of AIDS severity than male students. 2. Male students had higher perceived barriers than female students. Female students had higher perceived benefits and behavior intention of AIDS prevention on condom use than male students. 3. There were significant correlations between "condom usage during first sexual encounter", “perceived benefits of condom use“, and “ behavioral intentions of condoms use,". 4. The higher scores on " perceived severity of AIDS " and " perceived benefits of condom use ", the higher of their "behavioral intentions of condoms use". 5. "Gender", "sexual experience", "condom usage during first sexual encounter", "frequency of condom use", " perceived benefits of condoms use", can predict behavioral intentions of condomsuse.大學生愛滋病使用保險套經驗自覺愛滋病嚴重性自覺使用保險套障礙college studentsAIDSexperience of condom useperceived severity of AIDSperceived barriers of condom use大學生預防愛滋病行為意圖及其相關因素之研究-以某大學為例Research on behavioral intention of AIDS prevention and its related factors among college students inone university in New Taipei city.