韓可龍潘鳳娟Henning KlöterFeng-Chuan Pan黃資芳Tsu-Fang Huang2019-08-282013-8-212019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696810025%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85857本論文主要比較利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610)的《西字奇蹟》與萬濟國(Francisco Varo, 1627-1687)的《華語官話語法》(Arte de la Lengua Mandarina)二書聲調記錄方式的異同,並結合歷史資料的分析,以釐清十六、十七世紀傳教士對官話聲調的理解程度,目的在建構當時天主教傳教士學習官話過程的輪廓及歸納出是否其聲調描寫已然成為一套系統。 研究發現,當時來華的傳教士大部分都已經體認到聲調在官話中的重要性,然雖具備基本常識,但對聲調內涵的認識可能還很模糊,明顯的例證是對聲調的稱呼還不一致、對聲調之間的差異也不一定分得出來;但是部分有語言研究經驗及著作的傳教士,對聲調的定義與分辨則已經十分精準。 傳教士記錄聲調的時候,符號是採自歐洲傳統,目的是為了正確讀出字音;描寫聲調的時候,則常將內容附於拉丁語法模式的文法書中,完全不帶漢字。由此,對於傳教士處理聲調的方式,可歸納出耶穌會的「詞彙表模式」與道明會的「語法書模式」,前者為記錄聲調的方法,後者為描寫聲調的方式。兩修會介紹聲調的方法迥異,主要是由於傳教方式的不同跟學習重點、使用教材等的差別所造成的。 從歷時的角度看,《西字奇蹟》記錄聲調的方法,為利瑪竇強制規定令後續耶穌會士使用,而道明會士標官話聲調時並未另設系統,仍舊沿襲使用;而就《華語官話語法》的聲調描述方式來看,由於耶穌會創作的語法書很少,所以其傳承主要以道明會士為主。This thesis compares Matteo Ricci’s Xizi Qiji with Francisco Varo’s Arte de la Lengua Mandarina regarding their marking and description of tones in Mandarin Chinese and furthermore analyzes various historical data to clarify missionaries’ perceptions of Mandarin tones. It attempts to outline Catholic missionaries’ language acquisition of Mandarin from the 1500s to 1600s and discusses their systemization of tones. In the late 1500s, Ricci and other Jesuits began adapting the symbols used in European diacritics for marking Mandarin tones and marked Chinese characters with them and after that, they demanded all Jesuits use the same tone-marking system. Ricci used this system when he wrote the Xizi Qiji in 1605. Despite not being subject to Ricci or any of the Jesuits, the Dominicans later also adopted the same symbols to mark tones. However, since the Jesuits had written little on Mandarin grammar, the Dominicans made this their priority in Arte de la Lengua Mandarina and described Mandarin in the style of traditional Latin grammar books. This study has found that most of these missionaries, despite often imperfect acquisition, realized the importance of tones in Mandarin. Those missionaries who had engaged in linguistic studies defined and distinguished Mandarin tones most accurately. Missionaries of these two religious orders, the Jesuits and Dominicans, developed two very different systems to suit their different proficiency goals and institutional preferences: the former, more of a method for marking tones—the glossary system, and the latter, more of a method for describing tones—the grammar book system.耶穌會道明會傳教士語言研究官話聲調符號JesuitsDominicansmissionary linguisticsMandarintonal diacritics《西字奇蹟》與《華語官話語法》的聲調記錄之比較Comparison of Tonal Marks and Descriptions of Xizi Qiji and Arte de la Lengua Mandarina