林坤誼Kuen-Yi Lin陳郁涵Chen, Yu-Han2019-09-032021-07-272019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060171002H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96353本研究旨在探討6E取向的STEM實作活動對國中生科技態度、科技探究能力與理論導向設計能力之影響,以做為日後相關研究之參考。本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,以臺北市某高中附設國中部八年級學生為研究對象,共計212位學生;接受為期十週,共計十堂課的實驗課程。實驗組以6E教學模式授課,控制組則以問題解決教學法授課。研究工具為科技態度量表、科技探究能力量表、學習歷程檔案、學生晤談紀錄、小組問卷及教學者之教學省思。STEM實作活動為「關鍵十二碼─鼠夾車PK賽」教學活動。量化資料採單因子共變數分析,質性資料則進行編碼及分析。本研究提出以下結論:(1) 6E教學模式中的「探索」階段對提升科技態度有所助益,並能幫助學生建立具體理論概念,而能夠將理論運用到作品的設計中;(2)以學生實際興趣做為6E教學模式中「參與」階段的主題,更可提升科技的學習態度;(3) 6E教學模式的「探索」與「解釋」階段能幫助學生從資料蒐集、分析與探究中有所學習,進而提升科技探究能力。This research aimed to discuss the effects of STEM-based hands-on activity with 6E Learning by DesignTM Model in developing junior high school students’ attitudes toward technology, ability of technology inquiry and ability of theory-based design; under the conduct of nonequivalent quasi-experimental research, and 212 junior high subjects participated the assigned groups over ten courses of ten weeks. Respectively, applied the 6E Learning by DesignTM Model and Problem Solving methods to the assigned groups by means of “technology attitude scale,” “technology inquiry scale,” “students’ portfolios,” “participant interview,” “questionnaire,” and “teaching introspection”. The STEM practical activity is “Mousetrap Car and Launching.” The quantitative data adopted one way ANCOVA, and the qualitative data was analyzed accordingly. The main findings feature: (1) The “Explore” step may mutually enhance and establish technology attitude and specific conception of theory; thus students could design upon the theories. (2) The “Engage” step shall apply students’ actual habits as the theme. (3) The “Explore” and “Explain” steps may improve students’ ability of technology inquiry by data collecting, analyzing and inquiring.6ESTEM科技態度科技探究能力理論導向設計6ESTEMtechnology attitudecapability of technology inquirytheory-based design6E取向的STEM實作活動對國中生科技態度與能力之影響The Effects of STEM-based Hands-on Learning Activity with 6E Learning by DesignTM Model in Developing Junior High School Students’ Attitudes toward Technology and Technological Capability