李奭學Sher-shiueh Li強勇傑Ivan Yung-chieh Chiang2019-09-032014-1-102019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892250017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96089 五四以前,中國出現了九個法國雨果《悲慘世界》相關故事(包括《悲慘世界》、《克羅德‧葛》、〈芳婷之源〉三篇作品)的中譯本,但這些中譯本並非都是根據雨果的法文原文所翻譯。本研究旨在探討這九個中譯本所根據的底本為何,探究方式係從譯者背景及譯文內容來判斷,如譯者背景不詳,則僅依賴譯文之蛛絲馬跡,在檢視譯文內容時,採跨語言之文本比較方式,將中文譯本與先前的日譯本、英譯本、及法文原文加以對照比較,從中尋找可能的傳承關係,進而推斷出可能的底本,若無法確認翻譯的原本,則退而求其次,推斷所可能根據的語言為何。研究結果,發現中文本譯自英譯本者最多,其次是日譯本,直接譯自法文原文者最少。由此可知,英文與日文的譯本在悲慘世界相關故事的傳播方面扮演至關重要的角色,尤其是英譯本。此外,不管在法、英、日、中各語言當中,節(譯)本所佔的比例皆不容小覷,有些中譯本所根據的底本即為節(譯)本,而此時期的日譯本與中譯本皆為節譯本,由此可知節譯本對於《悲慘世界》相關故事在中國早期的傳遞功勞很大。最後,從追本溯源研究中,發現五四前《悲慘世界》相關故事的翻譯有明顯的重譯接力現象,不僅是跨語言的接力(從法文透過英文、日文而成中文),也在同種語言中接力(例如英譯本與中譯本各自內部的前後傳承關係所形成的接力),為接力翻譯史上值得注意的現象。 Before the May-Fourth Movement in 1919, China saw the emergence of nine Chinese translations of Les Misérables stories (including Les Misérables, Claude Gueux, and "L'Origine de Fantine"). This dissertation seeks to trace the sources of the nine Chinese texts. The source-tracing is conducted with the help of the background information of the translators and the content of their translations. If the background of a translator is not known, intertextual investigation will be solely relied on. In determining the source of a Chinese text, this study juxtaposes different versions of the same story, including Chinese, Japanese, English, and the French ones, and pins down the specific source text used by the Chinese translator by sorting out the genealogical relationship among the cross-lingual texts. If the source text cannot be ascertained, then effort is made to judge the probable language from which the Chinese version is derived. The results of the present source-tracing reveal that the Chinese versions before 1919 are translated mostly from English versions, that Japanese versions are the second most used intermediary texts in China, and that Hugo's French originals are the least adopted sources. Hence, English and Japanese versions, especially the English ones, play an important role in the dissemination of Les Misérables stories. Moreover, abridged versions account for a considerable proportion in the book market, whether in French, English, Japanese, or Chinese. Some Chinese texts are derived from a shortened version in another language; and all the Japanese and Chinese versions are partial rather than complete translations. Thus bowdlerized versions are the major contributor to the early introduction of Les Misérables stories to China. Finally, the present source-tracing also identifies an intriguing relaying in the translations, not only across the different languages (as from French, through English and Japanese, to Chinese), but also within a specific language (such as the relaying within versions in English and Chinese respectively), a significant phenomenon in the history of relay translation.跨文本比較系譜研究文本細讀接力翻譯(重譯)雨果悲慘世界克羅德‧葛芳婷之源魯迅蘇曼殊黑石周作人陳景韓解吾孝宗雪生哀塵慘社會慘世界天鷚兒孤兒記孤星淚逸犯天民淚怪客縲紲盟心森田思軒黒岩淚香原抱一庵田山花袋intertextual comparison and contrastgenealogical studyclose readingrelay translationVictor HugoLes MisérablesClaude GueuxL'Origine de FantineLu XunSu ManshuHei ShiZhou ZuorenChen JinghanXie WuXiao ZongXue ShengAichenCan ShehuiCan ShijieTian Liu ErGuer JiGuxing LeiYifanTianmin LeiGuai KeLeixie MengxinMorita ShikenKuroiwa RuikouHara HouitsuanTayama Katai五四前《悲慘世界》故事中譯的底本研究Chinese Translations of Les Misérables Stories in the Pre-May-Fourth Period: A Source Study