陳佩英Chen, Pei-Ying劉明潔Liu, Ming-Jie2023-12-082023-02-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aed629819bed020f648137f1c0f53ffa/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119626本研究旨在探討,在108課綱的政策脈絡下,個案學校實踐108課程改革的歷程,包含:教師擔任的新職務、歷程中所遇的成功經驗與困境,還有解決困境的方式等。從中再探析教師的希望感,以及影響教師希望感的因素。本研究以個案研究為架構,採質性方式,選擇某推動108課綱具有代表性的普通型高中為例,選取9位積極參與108課綱的教師為訪談對象,輔以108課綱相關的會議文件、問卷結果,進行資料的蒐集、分析與統整。研究結果發現:教師執行108課綱時,個人目標多元而不悖於課綱方向,投入時間長,執行課綱任務時的環境可分為大小系統。前者指的是教育時空背景,其影響範圍大也較有規範性;後者則指教師的工作環境,其與教師更緊密相關。教師面臨不同事件時,兩種系統彼此互動,產生不同作用力,影響教師參與108課綱時的希望感,以及往後對於課綱的投入意願。 據上述,本研究進一步提出結論如下: 壹、推動108課綱時,分散人力資源,仰賴大量溝通,建立良好支持性氛圍,能讓教師較願意投入。 貳、教師投入108課綱的原因、目標多元,實踐歷程多有新增事件,教師須保持彈性認知與意志以資因應。 參、教師投入108課綱歷程中所獲得之意義感、支持感、效能感還有疲憊感皆會影響希望感,進而決定教師未來的參與情況。 肆、教師人力資源良好配合,得以匯聚永續力量,有利課綱深耕。The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of school’s and teachers' participation in the 108 curriculum reform, including their new positions, successful or depressing experiences, and resolutions to the difficulties under the 108 curriculum guidelines. The study also explores hope from teachers, and the influencing factors in them. By adopting qualitative case study methodology, the study selectes one typical general high school as an example, from which nine experienced teachers are selected as the participants. With the documents related to 108 curriculum guidelines and the results of interviews, the study collect and analyze the data.The study finds: when teachers implement the 108 curriculum guidelines, their personal goals are diverse, which follows the direction of the curriculum guidelines. Teachers tend to go through long process of preparation and have working in both macro and micro systems. The macro one refers to the educational orientation which is more influential and normative. The micro one refers to teacher working environment which is more related to teachers. Two systems interact with each other and bring various forces when teachers face different incidents. This situation affects the teachers' hope when participating in the 108 curriculum guidelines and their willingness to participate in the future. According to the above, the conclusions are drawn as the followings : 1. Decentralizing human resources, keeping the communication, building a strong supportive atmosphere can encourage teachers to be more willing to involve into the curriculum reform. 2. The reasons and goals that the teachers devote to the 108 curriculum guidelines are diverse. Teachers have to maintain flexible cognition to respond to many incidents during the practicing process.3. The sense of meaning, support, efficacy, and exhaustion affect teacher’s hope, which will determine their participation in the 108 curriculum guidelines in the future.4. The close coopperation between the teachers can bring the power to execute the 108 curriculum guidelines in the future.課程改革108課綱教師希望感curriculum reform108 Curriculum Guidelinesteachers' hope彷彿若有光──學校實踐108課綱與教師希望感之個案研究A Glimpse of Light: A Case Study of School Practicing and Activating Teacher's Sense of Hope in Response to Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Educationetd