郭美蘭Mei-Lan Kuo2014-10-272014-10-272000-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15344圖書館的發展受到資訊劇增以及新科技的衝擊,服務型態從幾世紀前的藏書樓典藏卷帙到現代以讀者為導向,已有極大的改變,圖書館利用教育的重要性與日俱增。然而,長久以來在國內一直缺乏整體的規劃,很多圖書館對於利用教育的實施列為參考諮詢的附帶功能,被動的接受讀者詢問,缺乏主動的利用指導活動設計,致使讀者無法充分且有效的利用圖書館資源,如何加強圖書館利用教育,規劃出一套良好的讀者利用指導,實為目前提升讀者服務最重要的一個環節。規劃圖書館利用教育,可從實施內容、實施方式以及實施成果的評鑑等三方面來著手,以實務需求為考量佐以理論運用所設計出的利用指導方能真正達到圖書館利用教育的目標。師範校院的發展以培育師資為宗旨,教育的功能具有獨特性,圖書館支援教學研究、訓練學生利用圖書館同時負有教育的任務。本文首先參考國外文獻,說明利用教育的定義,探討利用教育的意義與目標,進一步探討利用教育的重要性,探討其與教學的關係。接著以理論探討為主軸,詳細說明圖書館利用教育的三步驟,指出實施內容應以讀者的需求為設計內容的考量:實施方式則往往受到各館的人力、經費、以及主管單位的支持度所影響;實施成效的評鑑可做為決策的依據,以及獲得主管單位的肯定與支持。並以臺灣師範大學圖書館利用教育的實施,來說明網路時代圖書館所受到的影響,以及圖書館利用教育實施內容與方式的改變。最後提出兩點建議,說明館員在職進修,以及編印指導工作手冊的重要性。結語指出圖書館服務即是一種行銷,提供正確的資訊給合適的讀者,並使讀者成為資訊的真正使用者,是圖書館利用教育的最終目標。Information explosion and evolution of new technology brought great impact on the library development. The library services have changed a great deal from a mere book-stack to the readers oriented services. The library instruction, in this case, becomes more and more important. Unfortunately, the aspect has been ignored and lack a systematic planning in the teacher colleges. This paper is trying to find out a way that could implement a set of reader orientation program to promote the library services among the universities training the future teachers. In the beginning, the author has looked through the references in this subject area, concluded a definition and goal for the "Library Instruction", then trying to find out the importance and its relationships between library instruction and teaching, and then talked about the three steps of library instruction, pointing out the focus on readers' needs when designing the content of the instruction program. With the practical example from the National Taiwan Normal University Library, it indicates the influence that the network development has on the library. And this paper brings out two suggestions, firstly, the on-job training for librarian, and secondly, the need for a standard working instruction manual. Finally, it concluded that library service is a kind of marketing and it provide the right kind of knowledge to the proper reader, and making the readers a real information users is the goal of the library instruction.圖書館利用教育師範校院圖書館讀者服務Library instructionTeacher's college libraryReader services師範校院圖書館利用教育之前瞻規劃The Future Planning of Library Instruction in the Teacher Colleges