于曉平蔡怡萱Tsai, Yi-Hsuan2019-08-282018-10-012019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005091324%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91324本研究旨在探究數學差異化教學對於高中融合班級學生及學習障礙學生,在數學學習表現以及班級互動關係的影響。研究中以臺北市某私立高中普通科二年級融合班級,包含班上一位學習障礙學生為研究對象,進行四週共16堂課的數學差異化教學課程。以行動研究方式,了解教師規劃與實施差異化教學的歷程,及其中所遇到的困境與解決之道,進而探討融合班級學生及學習障礙學生的數學學習成效與學習態度的影響,還有班級互動關係的改變,最後為教師的教學省思與成長。 透過行動研究過程中質、量化結果分析,結果顯示如下。 1.差異化教學的規劃與實施應符應學生需求,進行彈性教學調整。 (1)以學習者為中心持續評估調整教學 (2)靈活彈性分組學習促進學習成效 (3)時間壓力下需有效利用時間並善用教學策略。 2.差異化教學有助提升學生數學學習表現與學習態度。 (1)差異化教學有助提升融合班級學生及學習障礙學生學習成效 (2)差異化教學提升融合班級學生及學習障礙學生學習動機與興趣 (3)差異化教學增進融合班級學生情感與學習氣氛。 3. 教師的省思與成長 (1)教師教學專業能力再提升 (2)教學專業團隊有助推動差異化教學。 最後依據研究結果,提出相關建議,以供教育實務以及未來教學研究做為參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of mathematics differentiation instruction on the performance of mathematics learning and class interactions in a second - grade inclusive class in a private senior high school in Taipei City. A total of 17 students in the class include a student with a student with learning disabilities. Conduct action research to understand how teachers plan and implement teaching, and then explore the changes in mathematics learning performance and interaction in the class include a student with learning disabilities, and finally explore the difficulties and solutions encountered by the teacher in the process. And teachers' teaching thinking and growth. Analysis of quality and quantitative results , the results of the study show that: 1. The planning and implementation of differentiated instruction should meet the needs of students and adjust the teaching of flexible teaching. (1) Continuously assess and adjust teaching with learners as the center, (2) Flexible and flexible group learning to promote learning effectiveness, and (3) Effective use of time and use of teaching strategies under time pressure. 2. Differentiation instruction helps improve students' mathematics learning performance and learning attitude. (1) Differentiation instruction can help improve the learning outcomes of students in inclusive Class and include a student with learning disabilities, (2) Differentiation instruction enhance the motivation and interest of students in inclusive class and include a student with learning disabilities, and (3) Differentiation instruction enhance the learning emotions and learning atmosphere of students in inclusive class. 3. Teachers' thinking and growth (1) The teacher's teaching professional ability is further improved, and (2) The teaching professional team helps to promote differentiated teaching. Finally, based on the research results, relevant suggestions are put forward for reference in educational practice and future teaching research.行動研究差異化教學融合班級學習障礙數學學習Action ReserarchDifferentiated InstructionInclusive ClassLearning DisabilitiesMathematic Learning高中教師於融合班數學課堂實施差異化教學之行動研究An Action Research on Mathematics Teaching by Appling Differentiative Instruction in Inclusive Class of Senior High School Teacher