田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan Shelley盧憶Lu, Yi2023-12-082023-07-032023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c3be28a4b8e4a4780df3a2ef6df3a271/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119548本文旨在透過自我敘說的方式,描述我在大四畢業前夕失去母親之前與之後的生命故事。在回顧中,擁抱自己的悲傷歷程,理解我看待自己與世界的脈絡。我嘗試去整理,當我成為一個照顧者,在原生家庭、婚後家庭、以及身為助人工作者上的失落經驗。故事的敘說從喪母經驗開始,延伸到其他重要他人與我的關係,在故事中,我在「自我」與「他人」中掙扎,承擔了許多的照顧者負荷,卻忽略了自身的悲傷與苦痛,我希望藉由與文獻的對話,理解自己的失落悲傷經驗,並整理在每個重要關係中自己的樣貌。研究結果部分,我在書寫後,面對了真實的自我,擴展了我對原先經驗的視野,發展了新的詮釋,也試圖在他人、自我上,用新的角度與他人互動、與自己連結。研究貢獻在於,我提供自己的失落經驗與反身獲得的意義,分享給所有在失落中受困的人們,讓彼此的悲傷聲音能夠被聽見,並能看見在悲傷背後,自己擁有的力量。This study aimed to describe my life story before and after losing my mother during my senior year in college, via self-narration. Through reflection, I embraced my grieving process, and understood the context of how I see myself and the world. I attempted to sort out my loss experiences as I was becoming a caregiver in my original family, married family, and as a professional helper.Departing from my experience of losing my mother, then extends to the relationship between significant others and me. In the story, I was struggled with the “self” and the “others,” took on much caregiver burden as I should have, but ignored my own grief and pain. Through dialogue in literature, I hoped to understand my own experience of loss and grief, and to sort out who I am in each of these important relationships.Results of this study showed that after writing, I have faced my true self, expanded my vision of my original experience, developed new interpretations. Furthermore, I have attempted to interact with others and connect with myself from a new perspective.The contribution of this study is that I shared my experiences of loss and the meanings I have gained from self-reflection, offering to those who are stuck in grief, so that sad voices can be heard, and be able to see our strengths behind the sorrow.自我敘說失落悲傷照顧者self- narrative studylossgriefcaregiver關於失落經驗之擺放的自我敘說The Place Where Lost Things Go: A Self-Narrative Studyetd