傅佩榮李思穎2019-08-282005-1-172019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87216本研究藉由探討中西歷代思想發展脈絡中,影響幼兒教育發展卓著的 教育學者-盧梭的「愛彌兒」和福祿貝爾的「人的教育」之全人發展教育思 想,探討全人理想教育之內涵,為未來幼兒「全人理想」教育目標,提出 相關建議。 本研究探討目的,可分為四點: 一、探究中西的幼兒教育與全人理想之關係。 二、探究盧梭的幼兒教育與全人理想之關係。 二、探究福祿貝爾的幼兒教育與全人理想之關係。 三、盧梭和祿貝爾的全人理想,對現代幼兒教育全人發展之啟示。 本研究除了蒐集多位中西相關教育學者的專書,及探討這兩位學者的 相關文獻,予以整理、分析和比較。盧梭和福祿貝爾在幼兒教育上,認為家庭、學校和社會文化教育環境,影響幼兒教育的全人發展,他們主張回歸自然的教育本質及提倡全人理想教育目的,謙卑的自省,使人能夠充分認識自己,崇尚自然及上帝的真理,才能使人深刻體會生命的真諦。此外,他們認為全人理想的主旨在於尊重人權,培養自由、平等和博愛的精神,以愛和關懷、支持和鼓勵他人。這兩位學者除了注重身體的健康及家庭教育外,也強調學校教育必須以直觀教學理念,增進兒童學習及心智成長,使兒童返回自然,提升靈性修養,尋求上帝的真理和智慧,才能充分自由發展其潛能,實現全人理想教育目標。The present thesis is aimed to investigate, through the development of educational thought in western history, the two of the most distinguished educators, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Friedrich Fröbel. The study will mostly focus on one of their most important works, Emile of Rousseau and Die menschenerziehung Biilow the Education of man of Fröbel. Relevant suggestions derived from the study will be proposed for the “Holistic Idealism.” of early childhood education. The aims can be classified as three points: 1. Investigate the relationship between early childhood education and holistic idealism. 2. Investigate the relationship between early childhood education and holistic idealism of Rousseau. 3. Investigate the relationship between early childhood education and holistic idealism of Fröbel. 4. Inspirations for the holistic development of modern early childhood education from the works of Rousseau and Fröbel. The present study collected and analyzed many works of education scholars in the east and west as well as literatures related to the two scholars. In the children education, both Rousseau and Fröbel consider cultural education environments of family, school, and society crucial to the holistic development of children. They also consider the return of natureas the educational essence and advocate the holistic idealism as the educational goal. Humble introspection enables one to know oneself and significance of life can be attained by respecting the nature and the God’s truth. Furthermore, they consider the gist of holistic idealism as the respect of human right, and the cultivation of liberty, equality, and philanthropy as well as supporting and encouraging fellow people with love and care. Apart from physical health and family education, Rousseau and Fröbel also stress the importance of intuitional instruction in school education to improve children’s learning and enlighten their minds. Consequently, children will be guided to return to nature, enhance spiritual cultivation, and, finally, search for the truth and wisdom of God. Children are then able to freely develop their potentials and embody the education goal of holistic idealism.幼兒教育全人發展全人理想全人教育家庭教育學校教育社會教育Children’s educationHolistic developmentHolistic idealismFamily educationSchool educationSocial education幼兒教育與全人理想之研究-以盧梭和福祿貝爾教育思想為例Early Childhood Education and Holistic Idealism–based on the Education Ideas of J.J. Rousseau and F.W.A.Fröbel