王秀玲Wang, Shiu-ling張蕙蘭Chang, Hui-lan2019-08-282003-10-012019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069000011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89435本研究旨在深究國中國文科課程統整的意義及內涵、分析目前國中國文科教師課程統整實施的作法及經驗,並歸納研究結果,提出國中國文科教師實施課程統整的具體策略。為達成研究目的,研究者邀請六位台北縣市國中國文教師實地參與本研究,針對國中國文課程統整的理念及實施經驗等方面進行訪談,並以教學目標、教學內容、教學活動、教學資源、教學評量及教學省思等課程統整要素做進一步的檢視、分析,並經由資料的分析、討論,以提出結論與建議。 本研究依據研究發現提出下列結論: 一、 國文教師能從事單一學科內的課程統整。 二、 國文課程統整實施需從學生本身的興趣及需求出發,並進一步引發學生對於生活世界的關注。 三、 教師從事國文課程統整時,大多取材於國文教科書,並做適度的資料補充,使學生有完整的學習。 四、 教師對國文課程需有深入的瞭解與掌握,能隨時關注學生在單冊範文的概念整合學習,也能適時連結各冊間的相通意旨,以加深、加廣學生的學習內涵。 五、 「聽、說、讀、寫、作」是學生日常生活必備的基本能力,因此國文課程統整應重視國文基本能力的整體培養。 六、 國文課程統整設計方式以主題式課程統整居多,兼以語文教育概念、特色之統整設計。 七、 教師從事國文課程統整,需對國文學科知識及學科教學知識有進一步的掌握。 八、 多元的教學方法及運用多種教學媒體,可提升學習效果,亦有助於發揮統整的功能。 九、 國文教師的團體合作構思有助於國文課程統整的多元發展。 十、 教學省思有助於國文課程統整的發展,亦有助於教師的專業成長。 基於以上結論,提出以下幾點建議供國中國文教師、教科書編輯者、學校及從事未來研究的參考: 一、 對國中國文教師的建議 (一) 隨時留意生活周遭的人事物及社會的變遷。 (二) 重視師生間的互動情況。 (三) 從事國文課程統整設計需有縝密的思考、全面的規劃。 (四) 對於一至三年級的國文課程應有相當程度的瞭解。 (五) 對於延伸主題、概念應隨時提醒學生留意。 (六) 開發教學資源。 (七) 促成同儕團體合作的可能。 二、 對教科書編輯者的建議 (一) 國文教科書需擬定合宜的主題,且必須重視其中範文的相 關性及連結性。 (二) 國文教科書的內容編選需給予教師課程統整實施的彈性。 (三) 國文教科書編輯應廣納教師的建議,並能適時調查及瞭解學生的需求。 三、 對學校的建議 (一) 學校應鼓勵國文教師從事課程統整實施。 (二) 學校應積極提供國文教師進行課程及教學進修的機會。 (三) 學校在配合國文教師從事課程統整實施時,應提供相關的資源、協助,並在排課上給予充分的彈性。 (四) 學校應促進國文教師間的合作及互動。On the effect of educational reform, the main purposes of the study are to: probe into the conception of curriculum integration, bottom the significance and connotation of Chinese curriculum integration, analyse the ways and experiences of Chinese teachers who carry out curriculum integration in junior high schools. Eventually the researcher induces results of the research and brings up concrete tactics which Chinese teachers do practice on curriculum integration in junior schools. On the basis of the purposes, the researcher invited six Chinese teachers of junior high school at Taipei City and County to participate in this research, then the researcher interviewed the teachers about the ideas and the experience on Chinese curriculum integration, and the researcher conducted a survey from teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching activities, teaching resources, teaching assessments and teaching reflection. The researcher proposed conclusions and suggestions from data analysis and discussions. According to the findings, the conclusions are synthesized as follows: Ⅰ. Chinese teachers can do practice on curriculum integration within a single subject. Ⅱ. Practicing Chinese curriculum integration has to move on demands and interests of students, and further to induce students to pay close attention to ordinary life. Ⅲ. When teachers do practice on curriculum integration, they mostly obtain materials from Chinese textbooks, and supplement moderate materials in order to make students get complete learning. Ⅳ. Teachers have to go deep into understanding and control of Chinese curriculum, and to be concerned with the integrating learning of concepts that students can do in a single volume: On the side, they can timely make similar intentions in volumes to connect with each other in order to deepen and spread students’ learning. Ⅴ. Listening, speaking, reading, writing and composing are the basic abilities of students for life; therefore Chinese curriculum integration should place importances on the whole cultivation of Chinese basic abilities. Ⅵ. Most designing of Chinese curriculum integration is thematic curriculum integration, and moreover the integrating of the concepts and characteristics of language education. Ⅶ. When teachers do practice on curriculum integration, they have to control content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of Chinese. Ⅷ. The diversification of teaching methods and instructional media can promote students’ learning effects as well as the function of integration. Ⅸ. The cooperation of Chinese teachers for curriculum design can contribute to the diversification of Chinese curriculum integration. Ⅹ. Teaching reflection is conducive to the development of Chinese curriculum integration and teachers’ professional growth. Based on the conclusion above, several suggestions are offered for Chinese teachers in junior high schools, textbook editors, junior high schools, and future practice and research.課程統整國文教學curriculum integrationChinese teaching國民中學國文科課程統整實施之研究A Study on Chinese Curriculum Integration and its Practice in Junior High Schools