田應平張國楨郭乃文Ying-Ping Tien, Kuo-Chen Chang, Nai-Wen Guo2019-08-122019-08-122018-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82559在景觀生態學界前人研究時少有以地形單元作為研究分區,並探究如何建立一地景生態服務功能的監測機制,探討地區生態服務系統的量化項目與保育盤查方法。為補足上述缺憾,本研究蒐集所需歷史衛星影像資料、數值土地利用以及地質土壤資料、數化土地利用變遷等資料,以獲取研究所需的空間地物類別轉譯分類資料,以及建立水文參數指標圖層資料,建立一地景生態服務功能的綜合監測機制。 透過將大肚台地分割成三個子集水域,可使台地地物變遷的空間分布有了分區管制的理念,賦予地景生態指標對水文效應影響的實際意義,可使各子集水域的地景變遷數量、面積、周長的大小變化,對於台地面的生態棲地的影響,最大可能保水量的變化作實際的估算。此外,本研究亦發現在臺灣土地利用變遷常使用的2008年國土利用調查資料與地表類別有所出入,在符合實際情況的原則下,本研究運用Google Earth 歷史時間航照功能加以確認。生態保育空間化的技術,使土地利用變遷有了數量與分布的呈現,對於對未來相關生態保育與截蓄保水優先管制處理地區,可提供後續棲地監測與洪災預警之參考。Few studies consider an ecological landscape in terms of geomorphology. The characteristics of a geomorphological unit are meaningful in terms of the impact of human-induced changes in land cover. The slopes, the aspects, the distribution of tectonic geology and the properties of the soil affect the processes that are inherent to a hydraulic environment. These hydraulic processes change as land cover changes in a a terrain unit. This study takes a comprehensive approach to monitoring the function of a landscape ecological service and quantifies the project and conservation Inventory. Data is collected from different government agencies and includes remote sensing data, the 2009 digital land-use data and soil data for this year. Using this data, the capacity of the land to store water is determined. The ArcGIS database is used to manage and analyze the files. The Datu tableland is divided into three sub-watersheds to lend meaning to the distribution of the change in the use of the land. The effect on the landscape and the hydrological indices is determined. The result shows that the variety of the number of patches, the area and perimeter of a patch affect the ecological habitat in the three sub-watersheds. The maximum amount of water that can be retained in the three sub-watersheds is also determined. This study also finds that some of the land-use data for 2009 that was collected by NLSC is incorrect so this was modified to account for the real situation in the Datu tableland. This study uses the Google Earth model-historical navigator to ensure that the class of data is the same as the real observations. The technique for spatial conservation that is used in this study gives a geological visualization of changes in land use and the anticipated benefits of ecological monitoring and flood reduction through the use of water storage facilities.地景生態指標生態綠覆率最大可能保水量生態服務功能Landscape Ecological IndexVegetation CoveragePotential Maximum Retention AmountEcological Service Function.地景生態空間保育:大肚臺地2003~2014 的地景變遷及水文效應Spatial Conservation of an Ecological Landscape: Hydrological Responses to a change in Land Use in the Datu Tableland in Taiwan from 2003 to 2014