潘慧玲余鑑許智英Chin-Yin Hsu2019-08-282003-07-012019-08-282002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%2290NTNU0331006%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89408在傳統既定印象中,「科技」向來被視為男性的天下,這種意識型態 常常導致女性對科技的恐懼,並影響女性接觸宇學習科技相關學科的動 機,但過去科技教育領域卻缺乏相關性別研究。有鑒於學生為學習的主 體,個體認知對所學有理解與詮釋的主動性,為了解國中學生學習科技的 情形及其中所蘊含之性別議題,本研究採教室本位質性個案研究,邀請東 東國中二年A 班36 位學生為研究參與者,採用教室觀察及焦點團體訪談 作為蒐集田野資料的主要方法,傾聽學生的聲音,了解他們學習生活科技 課程及接觸相關科技的情形及看法,探討學生學習的主觀經驗,以性別分 析為主軸進行課程經驗之研究。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、學生的課程經驗與課程設計理想確有落差存在,且具有個殊性。 貳、對女性不利的學習環境依然是現今教育的問題。 參、傳統刻板印象是學生建構其課程經驗的重要影響因素。 肆、男女大不同乃社會建構下的產物。 故針對研究發現,提出如下建議: 壹、建立對女性友善的科技教育體系 一、革新科技課程內涵,融入女性經驗。 二、打造性別平等的學習環境。 貳、鼓勵學生發聲,加強師生交流 參、對後續研究的建議 一、持續與擴展進行課程經驗相關主題的研究。 二、應用女性主義教育學的研究取徑。 三、探究科技領域傑出女性的學習歷程。 四、進行男性研究。Traditionally, the male seems dominant in the field of technology, which frequently results in the female’s fear of technology and decreases their willingness to learn some subjects related to technology. However, in the past, the field of technology education is short of studies about gender issues. Students are the center of the whole process of learning; therefore, each individual can comprehend and digest what she or he learns. In order to catch on the current situation when junior high school students’ learn technological courses and the gender issues involved in the learning situation, this research adopts classroom based qualitative case study that invited 36 junior high school students as research participants. Classroom observation and focus group interview are applied to collected field data. The goal of this research is to listen to students’ voices, find out their opinions about learning Living Technology curriculum and operating relative technologyproducts , and discuss their subjective learning experiences through gender study on curricular experiences. The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The gap between students’ curricular experiences and the curriculum design does exist. 2. The disadvantageous learning environment for the female is still the problem to the current education. 3. The impression on the traditional stereotype is the vital factor for students toconstruct curricular experiences. 4. The gender differences are the results from society construction. Thus, based on my study, some recommendations are addressed as follows: 1. Build up a female-friendly technology education system. a. Innovate the significance of technological curriculum and add female experiences. b. Create an equal learning environment for both sexes. 2. Encourage students to express their opinions and improve the interaction between teachers and students. 3. Suggestions for further studies: a. Go on doing researches on relevant curricular subjects continually. b. Apply to the approach of feminist pedagogy to further studies. c. Discuss the learning processes of female models who are outstanding in the field of technology. d. Male researches are needed.課程經驗科技教育性別分析生活科技課程Curricular experiencesTechnology educationGender analysisLiving Technology curriculum國中學生生活科技課程經驗之性別分析:一個教室的個案研究A Gender Analysis on Junior High School Students' Curricular Experiences of Living Technology Curriculum: A Case Study In a Classroom