陳昭珍葉韻蘋2019-08-282010-7-122019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096153121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89127  小論文寫作比賽從民國87年開辦,至99年6月已有83,724篇小論文投稿參賽,參與的學校每年持續增加,投稿的篇數也越來越多,顯示了活動的重要性,也獲得學校教師、學生的認同。在升學制度的激烈競爭下,學生撰寫小論文並非僅是投稿得獎的效益而已,其中能力與素養的獲得更是重要。近年來,資訊素養備受重視,學生應具備的資訊素養不再是傳統的讀寫能力,內涵更是多元,許多教師運用大六教學法提升學生的資訊素養,在基於小論文、資訊素養與大六之間的關聯性,展開本研究。其目的在了解高中生參加小論文寫作比賽的動機與過程,不同的性別、年級、區域的學生參加小論文比賽、及是否得獎的資訊素養差異。 依據文獻探討,採用自編之「高中生參加小論文比賽資訊素養差異之研究」問卷,進行調查研究小論文比賽的個人歷程及利用大六法檢測高中生的資訊素養差異。   研究結果發現,參加小論文比賽的個人歷程中,以師長鼓勵為主要動機,撰寫時主要碰到的困難是不知如何選訂題目;當碰到困難時,以同學互相討論為最先使用的解決方法,而多數的同學認為撰寫小論文對課業的影響是正面,撰寫小論文最主要的收穫為學會組織資訊。在高中生的資訊素養的六大面向中,以網路與電腦都有較高使用率。在性別上,女生的資訊素養平均高於男生。在年級的比較上,二、三年級的資訊素養優於一年級,在區域的調查上則是,中區的資訊素養高於東區、北區、南區,而參加小論文比賽的學生其資訊素養並非全都優於未參加的學生,得獎學生其資訊素養也並非都優於未得獎的學生。學校在推動小論文時,教師可與圖書館員(圖書教師)協同合作,推廣圖書館利用教育,引導同學深度利用圖書館各項資源,讓學生從學生時期就愛上圖書館,培養終身的悅讀習慣及良好的資訊素養。  The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact and relationships of high school essay writing contest on the 6 dimensions of information literacy(Big 6). The researcher designed a questionnaire to survey the personal process of the contestants and assess their information literacy.   The findings of this study was as the following: 1.The reason of writing essays came mainly from the persuasion and encouragement of teachers. 2. Not knowing how to choose a relevant topic was the mostly-mentioned problem. 3. When encountering a problem, the first solution ever tried was peer discussion. 4. Most contestants regarded the writing essay experiences as positive and beneficiary, which enhanced their ability of organizing information. 5. The contestants reported higher Internet and computer utilization rates. 6. The information literacy of females was higher than the males’. 7. The information literacy of 8th and 9th graders was higher than the 7th graders. 8. The information literacy of the contestants coming from Central Taiwan was higher than those from other areas. 9. There was no significant difference on the information literacy between contestants and non-contestants, and it was also true between the prize-winners and non-winners.   The cooperation between teachers and librarians was high recommended when promoting high school student essay writing. Students could be guided and taught to make the best use of library resources, and cultivate long-life learning as well as better information literacy.大六教學法高中生參加小論文比賽資訊素養差異之研究