葉國樑Gwo-Liang Yeh姚静婷Jing -Ting Yao2019-08-282009-7-152019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594051104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87737摘 要 本研究旨在探討就讀城鄉不同學校之國中學生的愛滋病認知、態度及預防行為意圖差異情形。以立意取樣方式選取台北市、縣兩所國中學生為研究對象,研究樣本包含兩所國中之九年級學生,共14班學生,有效樣本數共計489人。於97年3月間進行問卷調查。以SPSS 11.5 for Window 統計軟體進行各項變項分析。 本研究對主要發現如下: 一、城鄉學生愛滋病訊息來源主要來源皆為老師、電視。 二、愛滋病認知部分,城市學生得分高於鄉村學生。態度部分,鄉村學生預防愛滋病態度得分高於城市,城市學生接納愛滋病帶原者態度得分較高於鄉村,整體而言,鄉村學生愛滋病態度得分高於城市。預防行為意圖得分部分,鄉村學生高於城市,皆未達顯著差異。 三、城鄉性別與愛滋病預防行為意圖得分皆為女生表現較好,達顯著 正相關。城市成績表現與愛滋病預防行為意圖達顯著正相關。 四、城市學生愛滋病認知、態度及預防行為意圖皆有顯著正相關;鄉 村學生愛滋病認知與預防行為意圖、態度與預防行為意圖皆具顯 著正相關,而愛滋病認知與態度未達顯著相關。 五、城市學生愛滋病認知對愛滋病預防行為意圖的預測力最高;鄉村 學生愛滋病態度對愛滋病預防行為意圖預測力最高。ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between civic and county junior high school’s students of AIDS’s knowledge、 attitude、preventive behavioral intentions. The study was purposive sampling of Grade 9 students from two schools in Taipei city and county. The experimental group included 14 classes. The total number of valid subject was 489. The data was collected via questionnaire survey conducted during March. SPSS 11.5 for windows was utilized to analyze each variable. Main outcomes are presented as follows: 1. The main sources of the knowledge about AIDS come from their teachers and the TV programs for both students in city and county. 2. The students in city had higher knowledge’s score about AIDS than the students in county. The students in county had higher preventive intention’s score about AIDS than the students in city. The students in city had higher score to accept the people living with AIDS than the students in county. In general, the attitude’s score of students in county was better than those in city. The students’ preventive behavioral Intentions in county had higher score than in city. 3. Female students in both city and county show higher preventive behavioral intentions’ score than male students. The genders and the preventive behavioral intentions had significant positive relationship. The academic grades and the preventive behavioral intentions also had significant positive relationship. 4. The relationship among civil students’ knowledge, attitude and preventive behavioral intentions about AIDS were significantly positively related and the outcome was the same in county except that the relationship between the knowledge and the attitude was not significantly related. 5. In the city, knowledgewas the best predictions of AIDS’ preventive behavioral intentions. In the county, attitude was the best predictions of AIDS’ preventive behavioral intentions.城鄉差異愛滋病the difference between city and countyAIDS城鄉差異對國中生愛滋病認知態度及預防行為意圖相關研究-以台北市縣兩所國中為例The study of the relationship between the civic and county junior high school’s students of AIDS’s knowledge、attitude、preventive behavioral