饒達欽RAO, DA-CHIN邱秀芬CHIU, HSIU-FEN2019-09-042006-7-192019-09-042006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693700205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98979本研究旨在探討台北市高級工業職業學校行政人員對學校全面品質管理知覺情形,以及探討不同背景變項行政人員對學校全面品質管理知覺之差異情形,進而提出提升職業學校全面品質管理之建議。   首先,透過文獻探討以歸納職業學校的全面品質管理,使用調查問卷為研究之工具。其次,對台北市立高級工業職業學校四位校長進行訪談,藉此與問卷調查所得的結果互相比對印證、提供解釋或彌補問卷調查的不足和缺失。問卷調查共施測5校,發出246份,回收224份,回收率達92﹪;其中有效問卷218份,有效問卷比率達88.6﹪。問卷調查結果應用平均數、標準差、t考驗及單因子變異數分析等統計方法分析,訪談部分則是以內容分析法進行綜合歸納,問卷輔以訪談共同進行,以獲致研究結果。本研究主要結論,如后: 一、台北市立高級工業職業學校行政人員對學校全面品質管理知覺情形達中等程度。 二、男性、41-50歲、研究所、資深者、一般行政人員對學校全面品質管理知覺程度較高。 三、北市高工所追求的教育品質,例如學生是教育的主要顧客、全員投入、注重制度與計畫及實施評鑑等,接近全面品質管理內涵。 四、北市高工正式推行全面品質管理,有其困難存在。The purpose of this study was to explore the current status of the perception and variation of the total quality management (TQM) of administrators with different backgrounds in Taipei municipal senior vocational industrial high school. First, through literature review of TQM, and using questionnaire to collect the opinions and information. Second, interview was undertaken with four principals in order to analyze, and provide explanations for data, and make up for some insufficient and shortage of the questionnaire. Total 246 questionnaires have been issued to five schools, 224 copies (92%) have been received; among them, 218 copies have had the effective information (88.6%). For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way analysis of variance were applied. The conclusions drawn from statistic findings are listed as follows. 1. The administrators showed the middle level of perception of TQM. 2. Male, 41-50 years old, postgraduate, senior staff and general administrators showed the higher perceptions of TQM. 3.The quality performance of schools was closely to the essence of TQM. 4.It was difficult to carry out TQM in Taipei municipal senior vocational high school.高級工業職業學校知覺全面品質管理vocational industrial high schoolperceptiontotal quality management台北市立高級工業職業學校行政人員對學校全面品質管理知覺情形之研究The Study on the Administrators’ Perceptions of Total Quality Management