鍾家瑋Chung, Chia-Wei溫聿頎Wen, Yu-Chi2022-06-082021-06-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cdc48f6ad4ea99d98c19e99923ac1a5c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116854「變奏曲」(Variation)最早可追溯自文藝復興時期,為音樂史上古老的曲式之一,在不同時期的各種器樂、聲樂創作上,都有數量相當可觀的創作;巴洛克時期的巴赫、古典時期的貝多芬與莫札特,以及浪漫時期的布拉姆斯,都是創作變奏曲的大師。其中以克拉拉.舒曼的作品20,與布拉姆斯的作品9《舒曼主題變奏曲》尤其特別;兩者不只取用相同的主題作為變奏素材,後者更是直接受前者的激發而創作,具有相當緊密的因果關係。本論文總共分為六章;第一章緒論,說明本文的研究動機與方法;第二章分為兩節,探討變奏曲的定義與類型,以及其歷史與發展;第三章至第四章為本文所選之兩首變奏曲,其作曲家音樂風格、創作背景與樂曲分析;第五章為本文所選之兩首變奏曲,探討其演奏詮釋;第六章為結論。希望透過此篇論文,能使讀者對這兩首變奏曲,有更加深入的認識與欣賞。The musical genre of"Theme and Variation" is one of the oldest musical forms in the history of Western classical music, which can be traced back to the Renaissance. There are important examples in different time periods, both in instrumental and vocal music. Bach in the Baroque period, Beethoven and Mozart in the classical period, and Brahms in the romantic period are all widely considered masters of the form. Among them, Clara Schumann’s Op.20 and Brahms’ Op.9 are particularly special, these two works are deeply interconnected. In these two sets of"Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann", the same melody was used as their Theme, and Brahms’ Op.9 was also directly inspired by Clara Schumann’s Op.20. This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, in which the research motivation and method of this thesis are explained. The second chapter is divided into two sections: first, the definition and types of Theme and Variations, and second, its history and development. In Chapters Three to Four, the composer’smusical style and creative background are discussed, and analyses of the two variations sets selected for this thesis are presented. Chapter Five discusses the interpretation of the two variations sets selected in this thesis, and Chapter Six is the conclusion. I hope that through this paper, readers will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for these two variation sets.鋼琴變奏曲舒曼主題變奏曲克拉拉.舒曼作品二十布拉姆斯作品九Piano Variations"Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann"Clara Schumann Op.20Brahms Op.9舒曼主題變奏曲:克拉拉.舒曼作品20與布拉姆斯作品9的同題異韻Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann: The Thoughts between Clara Schumann's Op.20 and Johannes Brahms' Op.9作品連同書面報告(藝術類)