陳學志邱發忠邱苑綺Chiu Yuan Chi2019-08-282017-01-012019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099A02109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88946從建構層次理論而言,當個人對不同的未來時間觀點進行思考時,將會改變個人對事物的心智表徵 (mental representation),因而引發人們對「未來事件」的反應產生改變。因此,不同的未來時間觀點,會影響參與者的創造力表現 。此外,作為一種個體特定的行為傾向,調節焦點動機(促進或預防)亦對個人創造力有重要的影響。本研究嘗試將上述兩個個人特質運用在想像力上,除了檢驗「未來時間觀點」與「調節焦點動機」對個人想像力的個別影響外,本研究也探討這兩者個人特質可能的交互作用效果。本研究以480名國中七年級學生為研究參與者,進行不同組別的實驗設計,包括:促進焦點×遠距未來時間、預防焦點×遠距未來時間、促進焦點×近距未來時間、預防×近距未來時間以及中性組等五組。在一系列的統計檢定與量化分析後,本研究指出,屬「未來」時間觀特質的國中生其想像力表現當中的「超越現實」會較另外四種時間觀的個人來得高。因此,假設四得到部分支持,即國中生的五種時間觀特質與想像力表現有關聯,其中屬「未來」時間觀特質的國中生,其想像力表現當中的超越現實性會較佳。結論針對理論及實務層面提出建議。According to the construct level theory, people’s mental representation would vary depending on their future time perspective. In this vein, people’s different kinds of future time perspective can greatly affect their creativity. Moreover, regulatory focus, in terms of either promotion motivation or prevention motivation, also would have an important impact on individuals’ creativity. This thesis attempts to apply the two personal traits regarding future time perspective and regulatory focus to people’s imagination, including their independent and interactive effects on imagination. There were 480 participants ( 7th grade secondary school students ) who joined this study, and the author randomly assigned them to experimental conditions ( 5 groups ). Through a series of quantitative analysis, the results of this study show that the participants who have future time perspective would be more likely than others to have a higher level of imagination, especially in terms of “beyond reality.” This finding confirms one of the several hypotheses in this study. The thesis finally draws the theoretical implications and provides some suggestions for further research.未來時間觀點調整焦點調整焦點調節想像力future time perspectiveregulatory focusfuture timeimagination未來時間觀點對國中生想像力的影響:以調整焦點為調節變項The Effect of Future Time Perspective on Junior High School Students’ Imagination: Regulatory focus as a moderator