巫瑞珍朱錫琴2014-10-272014-10-272007-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12008本研究旨在比較三種單字註解模式運用在線上閱讀,對中學生英語字彙的即時記憶及延遲記憶的成效。研究方法採用前測、立即後測及延遲後測組間實驗控制方法。研究者將一篇經前置研究所選出331字故事選出12個生字加上四種線上多媒體註解模組-無註解、文字註解、圖片註解及文字加上圖片註解,169位高中學生被隨機分為對照組一組及實驗組三組-文字組、圖像組及文字+圖像組。第一週受測者進行字彙前測,一週後進行線上多媒體閱讀,並在閱讀後進行字彙即時後測,二週後接受字彙延遲後測。使用ANCOVA統計檢視顯示每組實驗組兩次字彙後測成績表現均優於對照組,證明多媒體線上註解有助於字彙記憶。然而再以Post hoc統計比較三組實驗組組間即時及延遲字彙記憶成績表現均未達顯著差異,顯示三種多媒體註解運用在線上閱讀對字彙記憶表現相近。The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of three modes of vocabulary annotation on immediate and delayed vocabulary retention using an on-line reading text. This study adopted a four-group pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest experimental design. Twelve target words were presented in a 331-word reading text under four conditions in a computer program: (1) control with no annotation, (2) text annotation only, (3) picture annotation only, and (4) combined text-picture annotations. One hundred and sixty-nine high school students were randomly assigned to one of the four groups. All of the participants took a vocabulary recognition pretest in the first week. A week later, before taking a vocabulary recognition immediate posttest, they read a story on-line with words annotated in one of the four conditions. Two weeks later, they took a delayed posttest. ANCOVA analyses revealed that students in all three annotation groups attained significantly better gains of vocabulary on the immediate posttest and also on the delayed posttest than the control group, indicating that annotation in on-line text leads to vocabulary retention. However, a post hoc comparison of the three annotation groups demonstrated that there was no significant difference among the groups on both the immediate and delayed posttest, showing that the three modes of annotation yield similar effects on vocabulary gains through on-line reading.多媒體註解字彙記憶Multimedia annotationsVocabulary retentionThe Effects of Multimedia Annotations on the Vocabulary Retention of EFL Readers多媒體註解對英語為外語讀者詞彙記憶的影響