洪良銘陳宗憲2014-10-272014-10-272003-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6729經過三次連續12/12小時光/暗週期的處理後,聚球藻Synechococcus RF-1的ATP含量在接下來的連續72小時光照期間呈現韻律性的變化。ATP含量韻律的增減相位和先前週期處理的光/暗相位互相對應。此韻律的週期約為24小時,在24℃到35℃的生理溫度範圍內不大受溫度的影響。如果對兩個對照組加以光/暗相位相反(相差12小時)的前處理,這兩組的ATP含量在接下來的連續光照期間所呈現的韻律亦呈現相反的相位。這些結果可證明聚球藻RF-1的ATP含量受到概日韻律生理時鐘的控制。In the cyanobacterium Synechococcus RF -1, A TP contents changed rhythmically in continuous white light during a 72-h observation period, after the culture had been entrained in three successive 12/12 h light/dark cycles. The increase and decrease in ATP contents corresponded to the light and dark period, respectively, of the L/D cycle treatment given previously. The rhythm had a period of about 24 h and was insensitive to temperature from 24°C to 35°C. When two cultures were previously entrained 12 h out of phase, the rhythms were also out of phase. These observations demonstrate that cellular A TP content in Synechococcus RF-I is controlled by the circadian clock.概日韻律聚球藻Circadian rhythmATPSynechococcus RF-1Circadian Rhythm of ATP Contents in Synechococcus RF-1聚球藻RF-1的ATP含量呈現概日韻律的變化