賴貴三2014-10-272014-10-272005-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24805本文是筆者客學荷蘭萊頓大學漢學研究院,在優美的「白津」河畔,潛思靜學的第三篇學記,是回憶紀念,也權作學術印象,提供學者參考。文分四節:一、「萊頓大學漢學研究院歷史及人物考察」,敘述萊頓大學的發展歷史,以及漢學研究院的歷任院長教授。二、「萊頓大學漢學研究院文物及圖書考察」,說明漢學院懸掛的展示文物,以及圖書館典藏的大致概況。三、「萊頓大學漢學研究院早期基督宗教碑拓二種」,錄釋唐代〈大秦景教流行中國碑〉與元朝〈大元敕賜十字寺碑記〉精拓。四、「荷蘭所見李鴻章出訪詩題及遼代佛教碑拓一種」,記錄李鴻章題寫於荷蘭旅館的一首七絕詩文,與出使歐美環球之旅梗概;並鈔錄遼代〈大都崇聖院碑記〉,都是難得一見的歷史文獻。This is the third article that reports my observations at the Sinology Institute of Leiden University by the Wife Singel in Netherlands. The contents also reflect my study notes in the courses and a good memory that could serve as an academic reference for other scholars. The article consists of four sections: (1) Survey of history and personage of the Sinology Institute, describing the development of Leiden University and the successive deans of the Institute. (2) Survey of cultural and historical relics as well as ancient books and records collected in the Sinology Institute, reporting the relics exhibited in the Institute and the book reservation in the library. (3) The rubbings from two steles of ancient China: “The stale of commemorating the prevalence of Nestorian Christianity in China” and “The stale of recording the imperial edict of the Yuan Dynasty to grant The Cross Temple”. Both steles described the Roman missionaries preaching Christianity in ancient China. (4) One poem written by Li Hong-zhang during his visiting Netherlands in the 19th century, and one stele-“The stele of recording the Chong-Sheng Monastery in Da-Du of the Yuan Dynasty” that described the Buddhism in the state of Liao in the 10th century.萊頓大學漢學研究院白津通報大秦景教流行中國碑大元敕賜十字寺碑記大都崇聖院碑記李鴻章Witte SingelT'oung PaoLeiden universitySinology instituteThe stale of commemorating the prevalence of nestorian christianity in ChinaThe Stale of recording the imperial edict of the Yuan dynasty to grant the cross templeThe stele of recording the Chong-Sheng monastery in Da-Du of the Yuan dynastyLi Hong-zhang荷蘭萊頓大學漢學研究院「白津」學記