簡明忠徐昊杲傅俊隆2019-09-042009-7-262019-09-042006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693700188%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98977本研究旨在探討我國職業學校學校本位課程發展現況,並分析職業學校教務行政人員、專業科目教師、一般科目教師等人員對目前學校所發展學校本位課程之看法及其差異情形。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討建立理論架構,其次發展問卷進行調查及統計分析,回收有效問卷共計832份。所得資料經次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法進行分析,獲致主要研究發現如下: 一、各校因應新課程實施,普遍設置完善課程發展組織。對其功能運作之滿意度,有參與課程發展組織者顯著高於未參與者。 二、職業學校人員對因應新課程所規劃的科別普遍感到滿意。科別設置之優先因素依序為「配合學校現有師資與教學設施」、「與四技二專系科相銜接」、「符合地方及國家產業發展需求」。 三、職業學校人員對校訂科目規劃普遍感到滿意,其優先考量因素前三項依序為「提升學生升學能力」、「配合本校內現有師資專長」、「配合學生準備專業認證或證照」。 四、職業學校人員在學校本位課程發展實務自我評價中,普遍對於「自行編寫授課教材」持不符合的態度,顯示應有相關措施加強職校教師發展及編寫教材能力。 最後,依本研究結論歸納出五點建議,期供各主管教育行政機關、職業學校人員、暨後續研究者參考。 關鍵字:學校本位課程;高級職業學校;職業學校群科課程暫行綱要。This research aims at probing into the development and the present situation of school-based curriculum in vocational high school of our country, analyzing the view of the school administrative personnel, professional subject teachers, and general subject teachers and differences among them to school-based curriculum that the school carries on at present. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we set up theory structure and developed the questionnaire through literature review. There were 832 effective questionnaires. The data were analyzed by the frequency, the percentage, average, standard deviation, One-sample t test, One-Way ANOVA etc and conclusion as follows: 1. Each school generally set up intact course development institution. The personnel who participate in the operation of course development institution were satisfied with the curriculum operation. 2. The personnel of vocational high school were mostly satisfied with the subject plans at present. The subject in sequence that affect building the course plans are ' cooperate with school existing teachers and teaching facility ', linked up with Four-year Institutes of Technology and Two-year Junior Colleges of Technology system, conform the need of locality and nation business development. 3. Personnel of vocational high school were generally satisfied with school-determined subjects. The three priority factors of consideration are ' improving student's ability of reaching higher education, conforming to the teachers' specialty and cooperating with students for preparing professional authentication or certificates. ' . 4. Personnel of vocational high school had lower self-confidence in self-organized textbooks of the school-based curriculum development. This research proposed five suggestions in accordance with this research conclusion, for in charge of educational administrative government, vocational high school personnel. And the concrete proposals will be forwarded as the reference to the further research. Key word: school-based curriculum; Vocational High School; A Tentative Curriculum Outline for Departmental Clusters for Vocational High School.學校本位課程高級職業學校職業學校群科課程暫行綱要school-based curriculumVocational High SchoolA Tentative Curriculum Outline for Departmental Clusters for Vocational High School我國職業學校學校本位課程發展現況之研究The Research on Implementation of School Based Curriculum Development for Vocational High School in Taiwan