李和莆LEE, Wen-Pin Hope林恆立LIN, Heng-Li2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006903309%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111900本研究以音樂品牌建立與經營為主題,進行新人歌手培訓系統的分析與建立,以及流行音樂歌曲之製作與錄製實務。流行音樂是具有商業產值的文化創意產業,歌手是產業建構的軸心,受過專業訓練的優秀歌手,能提升市場競爭力,亦能具體呈現流行音樂工作者的創作成果。本研究藉由建立流行音樂新品牌的系統,深入探討新人歌手培訓系統,彙整本文作者多年經驗,提出成一套完整的訓練系統,並進行實務上的新人歌手訓練,從歌手甄選、試唱、指導練唱、導正觀念、錄音前的準備、錄音配唱、舞台表演等各階段;此外,本研究創作九首流行音樂作品,並呈現創作的緣起、作曲、編曲、填詞、錄音、混音、與工作進度規畫等單曲錄製實務歷程。最後,由本研究培訓之新人歌手詮釋前述之九首流行音樂歌曲,並進行錄音與後製。本研究為國內音樂品牌建立與經營、流行音樂新人培訓系統、流行音樂系列EP創作與製作,提出一套系統性的架構與實務案例。Present study aims at popular music brand building and management through the analysis and building of new artists training as well as the writing and recording of new popular songs. Popular music is a cultural creative industry with business niche, artists are the core of industry for artists can increase the value of music brand and also can accomplish the creation of music workers. Present study began with new music brand system building, had a discussion of new artists training system and integrated the practical experience of author, and proposed a comprehensive training system for new artists, from selection, auditing designated songs, singing skills lessons, concepts building, rehearsal, recording, and stage performing and so on. Then present study wrote and made 9 new popular songs and reported a complete procedure of making a song including the original of song, composition, arrangement, lyrics, recording, mixdown, and mastering. Finally, present study invited our new artists to record these new songs. Present study contributes to providing a new artists training system and a case study for EP production for popular music industry in Taiwan.系統分析新人歌手培訓流行音樂製作音樂品牌建立與經營System AnalysisNew Artists TrainingRecordingProduction Marketing音樂品牌建立與經營之研究—新人歌手培訓系統分析與流行音樂製作呈現Research on Establishment and Operation of Music Label: New Artists Training System Analysis and Music Production