林仁傑謝佳耘2020-12-102010-7-52020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600066%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115376 本研究旨在探究中部地區國中視覺藝術教師創新教學的現況。為達研究目的,研究者首先探討台灣視覺藝術教育的發展以及創新教學的意義,再從創新教學的實踐表現、創新教學的體認狀況及實施困難等面向分析視覺藝術教師進行創新教學的現況。最後依據研究結果,對視覺藝術教師及行政機關提出相關建議,以促進教師教學及教育機關政策之推行與改進。 本研究在研究方法上以問卷調查法為主,並輔以訪談法進行探究。利用研究者編製「中部地區國中視覺藝術教師創新教學現況調查問卷」,以台灣中部地區四縣市:台中縣、台中市、彰化縣、南投縣公立國民中學之現職視覺藝術教師為研究母群體,採用分層比例群集隨機抽樣,抽取114所學校,共178位國中視覺藝術教師進行調查研究。回收有效問卷164份,作答有效率達92.1%。本研究於實施問卷調查後,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Student-Newman-Keuls多重比較法等統計方法進行資料分析與處理,經多方彙整分析,獲致以下結論: 一、整體而言,中部地區國中視覺藝術教師在創新教學各層面表現平均,而以「教學內容創新」層面的實踐狀況最佳。 二、中部地區國中視覺藝術教師的創新教學實踐表現會因「性別」、「參加創新教學相關競賽經驗」、「學校地區」之不同而有顯著差異;至於年齡、年資、學歷、師資培育機構、職務、學校規模則對整體表現沒有顯著影響。 三、目前中部地區國中視覺藝術教師對「創新教學」的概念展現高度認同,且不同個人背景、學校條件的視覺藝術教師,對創新教學的認知沒有顯著差異。 四、中部地區視覺藝術教師實踐創新教學時最感到困難的問題依序為:「創新教學成效不易掌控」、 「教學時間不夠」、「備課時間不夠」。This study focused on the innovative teaching among junior high school visual art teachers in Central Taiwan. The aim of this study was to achieve three main objective, firstly, the researcher explored the develop of visual art education in Taiwan, and the meaning of innovative teaching .Secondly, analyzed the circumstances of junior high school visual art teachers’ innovative teaching in central Taiwan fromthe rate of using innovative teaching strategies, sattitudes toward the concept of innovative teaching and the problems when practicing innovative teaching. Finally, according to these results, this study offers some suggestions for related organizations and staffs to carry out innovative teaching. The research adopted the questionnaire survey as the primary method, and semi-structured interview as secondary. The researcher made the questionnaire of the circumstance investigation on the junior high school visual art teachers ’innovative teaching in central Taiwan” as the research tool for data collection. This research used multi-stage cluster random sampling method, took a random from a batch of Central Taiwan areas (Taiching County, Taichung City, Chang-Hua County and Nantou County) including of 114 public junior high schools,and 178 Visual Art teachers as samples to reply questions. The research finally received 164 efficient samples. SPSS10.0 was used to run the procedures for sample size. To analyze the survey data, the statistical methods adopted such as descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Student-Newman-Keuls post-hoc method. According to the multifarious analysis and induction, the conclusions were acquired: 1. The current conditions of the frequencies of practicing innovative teaching strategies of the junior high school Visual Art teachers in Central Taiwan areas were “above average”, Among them, the practice of “ innovate curriculum contents” strategy was most popular. 2. The overall condition of the frequencies of practicing innovative teaching strategies of the junior high school Visual Art teachers in Central Taiwan were varied significantly different from gender, experiences of participation related to innovative teaching competitions and the regions of the schools. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in age, seniority, educational background, Teachers Training, teaching post , and the size of school. 3. Recently the Visual Art teachers hold positive attitudes toward the concept of innovative teaching . 4. The most major difficulties of innovative teaching of the visual art teachers in Central Taiwan including “the result of innovative teaching is not easy to control” , “teaching time is not enough”, and “time for preparing a lesson is not enough”.國中視覺藝術教師創新教學視覺藝術教育junior high school visual art teacherinnovative teachingvisual art education中部地區國中視覺藝術教師創新教學現況研究A Study of the Innovative Teaching among Junior High School Visual Art Teachers in Central Taiwan