林建福李喬媛2019-08-282008-7-172019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695000257%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90129本研究旨在探討Sartre的情緒理論,希望藉由理論的分析以深入瞭解情緒的本質與意涵,並透過與其他近代重要情緒理論之比較從而尋繹其理論的獨特性,並獲致當今情緒教育可借鏡之處。 本論文採用概念分析法、現象學方法與歷史研究法。而在研究的步驟上,首先針對Sartre存在主義思想進行脈絡的探討,以作為理解其情緒理論之基礎;其次則詳細探究Sartre情緒理論的內涵,以獲致情緒的本質與意涵;接著進行Sartre情緒理論與其他近代重要情緒理論之比較論述,以呈顯Sartre理論的獨特之處與可能之限制;最後則根據上述研究結果,推衍出其對當前情緒教育的蘊義。 本論文研究的結果如下: 壹、Sartre的情緒理論符應於其存在主義之觀點,以自由、責任與自欺等核心概念為基礎而發展其有關情緒之論點,因此在探究Sartre情緒理論時,必須以其存在主義的脈絡來理解之,方能看出其情緒理論的深層意義。 貳、Sartre詳細論述了情緒的本質、作用類型與意義,並將情緒置於主動性的範疇中,認為情緒有其目的性,即意在逃避解決問題所必須採取的實際行動,因此我們則必須對我們所自由選擇的情緒行為負起責任。至於情緒的意涵便在於它是一種自欺的態度,其違背了人的自由,因此是不被讚許的,而這同時蘊含了理性優於情緒的觀點。 參、Sartre的情緒理論可歸為情緒的評價理論之一,但其提出了情緒的再評價過程,可謂為其理論的獨特之處;同時Sartre與其他近代重要情緒理論相較,可說是較整全地關注了情緒的諸多層面,唯其理論似乎較能適用於對負面情緒的解釋,同時其貶低情緒的價值,亦是值得我們更進一步思慮之處。 肆、綜觀Sartre情緒理論對當前情緒教育的啟示,可得知情緒教育之目的應在使學生能真誠地面對自我的情緒,並培養學生對情緒負責的態度,同時能夠以實際行動來代替情緒反應,並將行動之傾向深化至個人的生命之中;而情緒教育方式上則必須以學生為主體,經由提昇學生的自主性與價值感、以實際行動體驗個人之自由與責任、改變主體的認知與價值信念、並輔以正向的環境為之。The main purpose of this research is to explore Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of emotion. It is hoped that the theoretical analysis of this research would be able to perceive the essence and the signification of emotion, and to identify the uniqueness of Sartre’s theory through comparing it with other representative modern theories of emotion, and then could provide some suggestions for Taiwan’s education. Conceptual analysis, phenomenological method and historical research method are used in this research. Firstly, Sartre’s existentialism is probed. Secondly, the content of Sartre’s theory of emotion is explored. Thirdly, the systematic comparison between Sartre’s theory and other modern theories of emotion are made to identify the uniqueness and probable limits of Sartre’s work. Lastly, based on the above analysis, we derived the possible implications of today’s emotional education. The results of this research feature the following points: 1. Sartre’s theory of emotion is based on his existentialism which has freedom, responsibility, and bad-faith as the central ideas. Therefore, we must fully understand Sartre’s theory of emotion along with the thought thread of his existentialism. 2. Sartre describes the essence, function, type and meaning of emotion. He puts emotion in the category of activity and concludes that emotion has its finality which is to escape from the practice to solve problems, therefore, people must be responsible for their emotion. The signification of emotion is bad-faith, which is against freedom and thus is not encouraged. This implies that rationality is superior to emotion. 3. Sartre’s theory could be classified as the evaluation theory of emotion. The re-evaluation process of emotion is its uniqueness. While comparing Sartre’s theory with other modern theories of emotion, we can see it covers perspectives more thoroughly. However, Sartre’s theory might need further discussions because it applies better to negative emotion and also degrades the value of emotion. 4. From the analysis on Sartre’s theory of emotion, we derive implications of modern emotional education that the purpose of emotional education is to teach students to face their emotion sincerely, to be responsible for their emotion, to take effective action to solve problems. These purposes could be reached by encouraging students’ independence, allowing students to experience their freedom and responsibility through real action, changing students’ recognition, constructing positive atmosphere, etc.沙特情緒情緒教育Sartreemotionemotional education沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)情緒理論及其在情緒教育上之蘊義Sartre’s theory of emotion and the implications in emotional education