朱文增Chu, Wen-Tseng李子聖Lee, Tzu-Sheng2019-09-052011-8-172019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698310081%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107812本研究之目的為瞭解臺灣籃球運動參與者的參與動機與行為,以及觀賞動機與行為,並進一步探討兩種動機間與行為間的關係。本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,採立意抽樣方式,共回收有效問卷821份,所得資料使用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、多因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單一樣本t檢定及卡方檢定等統計分析。研究結果發現:一、臺灣籃球運動參與者年齡集中在24歲以下,職業多為學生且以未婚居多,顯示參與者以青少年居多。教育程度以大學(專)居多,月收入則以10,000元以下居多。影響參與者參與籃球運動的主要動機為「體驗刺激」;影響參與者觀賞籃球比賽的主要動機為「歸屬感」。參與行為部分,參與者參與球齡以「2~5年」居多,參與頻率以「每月不到1次居多」,參與時數以「1~2小時內」居多,參與型態以「沒特定行」居多,參與同伴以「同學居多」,參與花費則以「1,000元及以下」居多;觀賞行為部分,參與者平均一年至現場看比賽的次數以「1~3次」居多,至現場觀賞比賽的花費以「500元及以下」居多,至現場觀賞的同伴以「同學」居多。透過電視或網路觀賞國內及國外籃球比賽的頻率皆以「每週3次及以上」居多,觀賞型態皆以「沒特定型」居多,觀賞同伴則以「同學」居多,多數參與者開始喜歡觀賞比賽的球齡為「2~5年」。二、不同年齡、性別及教育程度的參與者在參與動機上有顯著差異;不同背景變項皆在參與行有顯著差異;除月收入之外,其他背景變項皆在觀賞動機上達顯著差異;不同背景變項在觀賞行為上皆有顯著差異。三、內在動機參與者,觀賞內在動機高於外在動機參與者;外在動機參與者,觀賞外在動機高於內在動機參與者。此外,對不同參與動機參與者來說,觀賞內在動機皆高於外在動機。四、不同參與行為參與者在所有觀賞行為上皆有差異。本研究之結果,期能提供國內如SBL等相關單位未來舉辦賽事及擬定行銷策略之參考。The purpose of this research was to understand Taiwan basketball participants' motivations and behaviors in spectating and athlete. Further, understanding the relationship between the two motivations and behaviors of spectating and athlete. This research adopting a questionnaire survey, and conducted with purposive sampling method. 821effective questionnaires were obtained, and the data was analyzed with statistics methods of t test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA and Chi-square. The result of this research is abstracted as follow: 1. Taiwan basketball participants are mainly male with education level of college/university. The majority occupation is student, at the age below 24. Most of them are unmarried, and the range of average monthly income is below 10,000NT. The majority motivation of athlete in basketball is " experience stimulation ", and the majority motivation of spectating basketball game is "sense of belonging". In athlete behaviors, most of participants has played basketball for 2~5 years, and the frequency is usually "bellow once a month". They usually spent 1~2 hours on playing in basketball, and has no specific participate type. The majority of their partner in basketball is classmate, and average cost is "below 1,000NT". In spectating behaviors, most of spectator went to basketball games "once a year " to "three-times a year" with their classmate, and usually cost below 500NT. The frequency of spectating internal and international basketball game through television and internet are mainly "three times a week" with their classmate, and has no specific spectating type. Most of spectator has enjoyed and spectated basketball game for "2~5 years". 2. Different age, gender and education level have significant difference on athlete motivation, and all background variables have significant difference on athlete behaviors. Expect monthly income, all the other background variables have significant difference on spectating motivation, and all background variables have significant difference on spectating behaviors. 3. Participants with intrinsic athlete motivation has higher level of intrinsic spectating motivation than participants with extrinsic athlete motivation, participants with extrinsic athlete motivation has higher level of extrinsic spectating motivation than participants with intrinsic athlete motivation. Furthermore, all participants' intrinsic spectating motivation level are higher than extrinsic spectating motivation. 4. All athlete behaviors has significant difference on spectating behaviors. This research expect to provide some suggestions and advices of holding event and marketing in the future to SBL and the relative units.參與動機觀賞動機參與行為觀賞行為athlete motivationspectating motivationathlete behaviorspectating behavior臺灣籃球運動參與及觀賞相關之研究A study of athlete and spectating in Taiwan's basketball sport