李琪明Lee, Chi-Ming郭洺儒Kuo, Ming-Ru2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060307003E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88239  本研究基於公民參與是現代公民社會中重要角色,也是培育學生適應未來生活及能力養成的關鍵,若能從小培養參與公共事務的動機及興趣,從中學習公民知能,將有利於公民責任形塑,建立積極、理性的社會。在現今跳脫政治意涵的公民參與趨勢中,以及本研究者兼職於「臺灣童心創意行動協會」之經驗,本研究旨在探討「全球孩童創意行動挑戰」課程是否能彰顯青少年公民參與的精神,具體研究目的有三:一、在理念層次,分析青少年公民參與多面向之核心意涵,以及探究由DfC臺灣推廣之「挑戰課程」的設計理念是否可彰顯前者之核心意涵;二、在實徵層次,探討教師與學生參與「挑戰課程」的歷程與結果,是否彰顯青少年公民參與之精神與核心意涵;三、藉由前述,反思「挑戰課程」的設計理念及其實施成效,並提出建議以供「臺灣童心創意行動協會」等教育組織,以及後續研究參考。   藉由前導觀察、訪談及文件資料以進行師生參與「挑戰課程」的經驗蒐集與分析,進一步與青少年公民參與核心意涵的相互對話與論證,探討「挑戰課程」的設計理念與實施歷程與結果是否彰顯青少年公民參與的精神,以及是否有別於青少年公民參與核心意涵的特點。根據本研究發現作成結論如下:一、在課程設計理念中,預期目標展現正義、關懷、主動及設計思考能力之個人素養,教學策略亦期待教師能運用多元策略引導,但缺乏對個人成長及社會層面目標的訂定;二、在實際教學中,教師所訂定的課程目標及採取的教學策略,不僅與青少年公民參與理念相符,更有利於學生達到知識、情意與技能目標,促進自主性參與課程;三、從學生參與課程面向發現,學生從中發揮多元而具體的行動,亦藉由挑戰課程提升對個人及社區/社會層面的效益,與青少年公民參與理念相符;此外,不同於青少年公民參與理念僅強調自發性動機,學生參與動機受到內在趨力及外在環境因素之綜合性影響。   基於本研究之結論提出以下建議:一、教師宜在實施「挑戰課程」訂定目標、了解學生內外在動機、採取多元教學策略、提供多面向的行動策略、進行整體評估等方式以促進青少年公民參與;二、推廣「挑戰課程」之主辦單位應訂定課程目標、納入多元教師引導策略、關注課程中教師的困境與可持續推廣之方法;三、後續研究之對象宜多元選取,研究方法宜多元且深度運用、探尋不同管道的青少年公民參與。 Civic engagement is not only crucial role to modern civil society but also serves as the key for students to adapt to future life and develop relevant abilities. If students can develop the motivation of and interest in public participation starting from childhood, they will acquire civic competence that is conducive to shaping and building a proactive and rational society. Considering the current trend of civic engagement that transcends political implications, this study investigated whether the Design for Change Challenge course can manifest the spirit of civic engagement among youngsters on the basis of the author’s part-time work experience at the non-profit organization “Design for Change (DfC) Taiwan”. The objectives of this study are as follows: (a) analyse the core implications of youth civic engagement from various aspects at the conceptual level, and explore whether the Design for Change Challenge course promoted by DfC Taiwan can manifest these core implications; (b) empirically investigate the process and outcomes of both teachers and students’ participation in the course and determine whether the course manifests the spirit and core implications of civic engagement among youngsters; and (c) on the basis of the aforementioned analyses, reflect on the design concepts of the course, review its implementation effectiveness, and propose suggestions as a reference for future studies and educational organisations such as DfC Taiwan.  The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of the study findings: First, in the curriculum-design concept, the target is expected to exhibit personal qualities in terms of justice, care, initiative, and design thinking abilities. Although the teaching strategies also require teachers to employ multiple strategies for guidance, the establishment of goals for personal or social growth remains lacking. Second, in actual teaching, the curriculum goals established by the teachers and the teaching strategies employed not only accord with the concept of civic engagement but also benefit students by enabling them to achieve objectives in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains as well as promoting independent participation in the curriculum. Third, students exhibited diverse and concrete behavior regarding their participation in the curriculum. They also enhanced their personal and social benefits through challenging courses, which conforms to the concept of civic engagement. Additionally, unlike the general concept of civic engagement, which only emphasizes spontaneous motivation, student participation motivation is influenced by the combined effects of inner drive and environmental factors.  According to the study conclusions, three suggestions are proposed. First, teachers should set objectives for the Design for Change Challenge course, ascertain students’ internal and external motivations, adopt diverse teaching strategies, provide action strategies in multiple facets, and perform comprehensive evaluation to facilitate civic engagement among youngsters. Second, the DfC Taiwan organization promoting the course should specify the course objectives, introduce a variety of guiding strategies for teachers, consider the dilemma facing instructors in the course, and facilitate continual promotion of the course. Third, the scholars who will conduct future studies can recruit and inquire participants of various backgrounds, employ diverse research methods in a consistent and thorough manner and research different forms of youth civic engagement.中小學青少年公民參與全球孩童創意行動挑戰課程elementary and high schoolsyouth civic engagementDesign for Change Challenge course臺灣「全球孩童創意行動挑戰」課程之青少年公民參與意涵及其教育意義The Implications and Educational Significance of Youth Civic Engagement in the “Design for Change Challenge” course in Taiwan