國立臺灣師範大學體育學系賴香如李碧霞卓俊辰2016-08-042016-08-042011/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2341503http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79594增進生活技能和提升學生健康素養是我國未來十年的重要教育政策,健康與體育領域教師課程主導者,其健康素養認知、教學信念、態度、效能和執行意願都是落實相關教學的關鍵。研究第一年採橫斷式調查來了解現況及其與個人因素、環境因素的關係,共發出906份問卷,雖回收682份有效問卷,但只有547人填寫同意,故有效回覆率為60.4%。依據其資料進行卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、匹爾森積差相關和複迴歸分析,主要發現如下:1.研究對象健康素養頗佳,對健康素養教學有良好信念、正面態度、自我效能尚可,且可能在未來一年內執行健康素養教學。2.碩士以上、只教健康教育、教授健康教育班級或節數越多、教授體育班級或節數越少者,健康素養越佳。3.兼任行政工作之研究對象的健康素養教學信念高於未兼任行政者,服務於南部的健康素養教學態度較服務於中部、東部者為正向。碩士以上、教學年資越短、只教健康教育、教授健康教育班級或節數越多、教授體育班級或節數越少、兼任行政者,其健康素養教學自我效能較高。4. 只教健康教育、教授健康教育班級或節數越多者、教授體育班級或節數越少者,其未來一年內實施健康素養教學的意願較高。5. 研究對象的健康素養現況、健康素養教學信念、態度、自我效能與健康素養教學意願呈正相關,亦即健康素養越佳、健康素養教學信念和態度越正向、效能越高,則健康素養教學意願也越高。6.個人背景因素、學校因素、健康素養現況、健康素養教學信念、態度和效能共可解釋未來一年內實施健康素養教學意圖34.2%的變異量,其中又以健康素養教學信念、態度和效能為重要預測變項。To enhance students’ life skills and health literacy is an important policy in the education of next decade. The health literacy, teaching beliefs, attitudes, efficacy and intention of health and physical education teachers play the key roles. In the first year of this project, a cross-sectional survey was conducted. A total of 906 questionnaires were distributed to teachers. Five hundred and forty seven provided data with consent, and the response rate was 60.4%. Chi-square test, Oneway analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The main findings of this study were as follows:1. Health literacy of the subjects was good. The belief and attitude of teaching health literacy were both positive. Self-efficacy of teaching health literacy was acceptable, and teachers were possible to implement health literacy teaching in the coming year. 2. Those who with educational level higher than master degree, only teach health education, teaching more health education classes, teaching less physical education classes had better health literacy.3. Belief of health literacy teaching of teachers with administrative work was higher than those who without administrative work. Attitude toward health literacy teaching of teachers from the south part of Taiwan was higher than that of teachers from the central or eastern part of Taiwan. Those who with educational level higher than master degree, only teach health education, teaching more health education classes, teaching less physical education classes, with administrative work had higher self-efficacy of teaching health literacy. 4. Those who only teach health education, the more health education classes, the less physical education classes, the higher the intention of teaching health literacy in the coming year.5. Health literacy, health literacy teaching belief, attitude, self-efficacy were positively correlated with the intention of teaching health literacy.6. Personal and school factors, health literacy, beliefs, attitudes, and self-efficacy of health literacy teaching could explain 34.2% of the variance in the intention of teaching health literacy in the coming year.健康素養教學信念教學態度教學效能教學意圖Health literacyteaching beliefsteaching attitudesteaching efficacyintention to teach國中健康與體育教師健康素養教學知能、執行意願與增能研究Cognition, Self-Efficacy, Willingness, and Empowerment of Health Literacy Instruction among Health and Physical Education Teachers of Junior High Schools