賴志樫林坤誼Lai, Chih-ChienLin, Kuen-Yi許詩鎔Hsu, Shih-Jung2023-12-082023-08-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/92db042c8fe2fd93184e1f935b08c429/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120513近年來,歐美地區掀起了一股「安靜離職」熱潮,許多工作者在工作中紛紛出現失去活力和奉獻精神的心理困境,這一現象也逐漸在社群中引起廣泛共鳴。在普遍員工工作敬業低落的背景之下,提升員工的工作敬業已成為組織極需關注的重要課題。此篇研究探討了員工體驗、個人-工作適配及工作敬業之關係,並進一步探究個人-工作適配在此關係中的中介效果,以了解員工對於工作場域中的體驗感受(即員工體驗)會透過員工在工作職務上的契合程度(即個人-工作適配)影響其工作敬業?本研究以任職於科技產業的全職工程類人員為研究對象,使用網路問卷調查進行資料蒐集,總計回收217份有效問卷進行信效度分析、相關分析與迴歸等統計分析,以驗證變項之間的關聯性。進一步探討員工體驗的物理、文化及科技環境構面,何者為提升個人-工作適配及工作敬業的最強預測變數。研究結論為:(1)個人-工作適配對工作敬業具顯著正向影響力;(2)員工體驗對個人-工作適配具顯著正向影響力;(3)員工體驗對工作敬業具顯著正向影響力;(4)個人-工作適配在員工體驗對工作敬業的關係間扮演部分中介的角色。研究結果可作為企業日後在提升員工工作敬業的人資管理實務參考,使組織在有限資源下,可以將資源投入在最具影響力的環境構面。In recent years, there was a growing trend of" quiet quitting ", where many employees have experienced a lack of motivation and dedication in their work. Given the prevalent decline in employee work engagement, enhancing employees' work engagement became a critical issue that organizations urgently needed to address. This study focused on examining the relationship between employee experience, person-job fit, and work engagement, as well as the intervening influence of person-job fit. The study focused on full-time engineering professionals in the technology industry. On the 217 valid questionnaires recovered, analyses of reliability and validity, correlation, and multiple regression were conducted. After statistical analysis, the research results have found that: (1) employee experience has a significant positive influence on work engagement; (2) employee experience has a significant positive influence on person-job fit; (3) person-job fit has a significant positive influence on work engagement; (4) person-job fit partially intervenes the relationship between the employee experience and the work engagement. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for human resource management practices aimed at enhancing employee work engagement, allowing organizations to allocate resources to the most influential environmental dimensions within their limited resources.員工體驗個人-工作適配工作敬業employee experiencepersonal-job fitwork engagement員工體驗、個人-工作適配與工作敬業之關係研究A Study on Relationships among Employee Experience, Person-Job Fit, and Work Engagementetd