張國恩宋曜廷劉子鍵Chang, Kuo-EnSung, Yao-tingLiu, Tzu-Chien周映竹Chou, Ying-Chu2019-08-292017-02-012019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060308001E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92732本研究設計了一套名為「悅讀‧寵物」的閱讀學習系統,以「虛擬寵物」作為學習者閱讀時的學習同伴,輔以「擴增實境」引導學習者閱讀的技術,並探討虛擬寵物介面的加入,是否有助於提升國小中年級學童的閱讀動機與理解成效。研究對象為61位國小中年級學生,接受4次實驗施測,總計約175分鐘。實驗方法採用準實驗設計之「實驗組控制組前後測設計」,自變項為虛擬寵物介面的使用與否,依變項為學習者的學習表現,包括學習成效、學習情形與學習動機等。 研究結果發現:(一)虛擬寵物介面可以增加學習者文本概念吸收的表現;(二)虛擬寵物介面可以讓學習者在答題時有更好的表現;(三)虛擬寵物介面可以增加學習者的學習動機;(四)使用虛擬寵物介面的學習者具有正向的使用態度與接受程度。A reading learning system, named Reading-Pet, is developed in this study. This study provides students virtual pets as learning companions when reading, and the system also applies to Augmented Reality to guide students to read. Thus, this study investigates whether the usage of virtual pets helps third and fourth graders’ enhance their reading motivation and reading comprehension. There are 61 third and fourth graders’ participating in the four-time reading activity, totally about 175 minutes. The ‘pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups of the quasi-experimental designs’ is employed in the study. The independent variable is ‘providing virtual pets or not’, and the dependent variables include learning achievement, learning behavior, and learning motivation. The results show that (a) virtual pets can enhance students’ performance of absorbing concepts from readings; (b) virtual pets can enhance students’ performance of answering questions; (c) virtual pets can enhance students’ learning motivation; (d) students have positive attitudes and acceptances toward the system with virtual pets.虛擬寵物學習同伴擴增實境閱讀策略virtual petlearning companionAugmented Realityreading strategy虛擬寵物應用於擴增實境引導閱讀對國小中年級學童閱讀表現之影響The Effect of Applying Virtual Pet to Augmented Reality Guided Reading System on Third and Fourth Graders’ Reading Performance