國立臺灣師範大學地理學系馮維義洪致文 2015-09-032015-09-032014-12-011025-1464http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74977日本統治時期台灣的製糖業發生了巨大的變革,從傳統糖廍以獸力、石磨來壓榨甘蔗製糖,改為現代化的新式製糖工場。過去關於新式製糖工場廠區選址規畫的研究,多針對交通、原料、勞工⋯⋯等工業區位進行探討,但針對風向對於廠區內部布局之研究較少且不完整,新式製糖工場的設置若未考量當地製糖季期間的盛行風向,則會使廠區職工生活在廢氣汙染與惡臭中。本研究以現代的氣候分析技術,探討日本統治時期各製糖所風場狀況與廠區會社住宅配置之間的關係,主要結果有 : 一、本研究將各糖廠依設立時間進行分析,發現較前期設立的糖廠宿舍區為中、高度風險的比例較多,後期的比例較少;顯示隨著各製糖會社在台灣興建糖廠經驗的累積,在進行廠區布局時,開始重視製糖季的盛行風風向,並避免將宿舍區設於工廠區的下風處,降低製糖工場作業產生之汙染物吹入宿舍區的風險。二、各製糖會社在規劃廠區與會社住宅時的模式有所差異。台灣製糖與明治製糖兩間公司,除了在台灣設立的第一間新式製糖工場(橋頭製糖所、蕭壠製糖所)外,其後設立的工場,皆非常注重當地於製糖季期間的盛行風風向;而東洋製糖與王雪農設立的製糖工場,則未將盛行風風向納入優先考量。由此可知,不同製糖會社對於盛行風向與會社住宅的布局規劃理念有所差異。The sugar manufacturing industry of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period changed significantly from the traditional manufacturing process powered by ox carts and stone mills to the use of sugar compression machines. Previous research on factory planning of new sugar factories has focused mainly on location, such as for transportation, raw materials, labor, and so forth. However, few of these studies have mentioned the influence of the prevailing wind. Prevailing winds are an important factor for companies building factories. If factories had not been built on the windward side of the prevailing wind, workers would have suffered from stink and air pollution. The present study reveals the relation between the prevailing wind field and factory planning during the Japanese colonial period. The methodology of this study is based on the analytical method of climatology and objective analysis. The results of the study produced two major findings. (1) Through a comparative analysis of the sugar factories and a timeline of the years in which they were constructed, it was found that the residents in the sugar factory’s residential area suffered a higher risk from stink and air pollution in the early period. However, compared with the earlier period, these risks were lower in the later period. The results showed that the sugar companies have acquired experience after establishing some factories and thus consider the prevailing wind as a major factor in factory planning. Considering the local prevailing winds during the manufacturing season, company houses were built on the leeward side of the entire factory field to avoid pollution from the sugar factories. (2) Different sugar companies had different attitudes toward considering the prevailing wind in factory planning. The sugar factory plans of the Taiwan Seito Kaisha and Meiji Seito Kaisha companies considered the local prevailing winds, except for their first sugar factory in Taiwan. On the other hand, the local prevailing winds were ignored by the two other companies studied in the present work. This demonstrates that there are still some differences regarding consideration of prevailing winds among these sugar companies.製糖工場廠區配置盛行風製糖廢氣日本統治時期Sugar factoryFactory configurationPrevailing windAir pollutionSugar refining臺灣南部糖廠「會社住宅」布局規畫與盛行風向之關係Relation between Prevailing Winds and Company Housing Plans for Sugar Factories in Southern Taiwan�