戴曉霞2019-08-122019-08-122004-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82041高等教育的國際化主要可以分由學生、教師、課程及研究四個方向來進行。由於國際學生的流動人數龐大,其消費構成價值數百億美元的市場,因此招收外國學生不只有利於長期政治、經貿關係的耕耘、國家競爭力的提昇,更是重要的外銷服務性產品,故工業先進∕新興國家無不將之視為既是高等教育、也是政治和經濟的重要策略。本文由高等教育國際化的歷史發展、高等教育國際市場的類型與規模切入,並分析我國和亞太地區吸引最多外國學生的澳洲、日本和馬來西亞的外國學生政策。透過比較研究,本文指出高等教育國際化具有多重目標,為了完成高等教育國際化的特定目標,各國必須選擇相對應的策略。值得注意的是,高等教育國際化固然有其重要性,但是過度重視招收外國學生也可能帶來負面影響。本文也發現,亞太地區外國學生有高度區域化和集中的情形。高等教育的國際化就這個角度而言,區域化的程度更勝全球化。The internationalization of higher education can be carried out through the internationalization of students, teachers, curriculum, and research. Due to the magnitude of the political and economic benefits countries can reap from the international exchange of tertiary students, policies to increase the intake of foreign students have gained considerable attention. Through a historical analysis of the policy implications of the international flow of students at different periods and a comparative study of the policies adopted by Taiwan and the top three Asian-Pacific countries in attracting foreign students? Australia, Japan and Malaysia, this article suggests that foreign student policy has to take into account the country's specific purposes. It also points out that despite its potential economic and political contributions, over-emphasis on the intake of foreign students may have a negative impact on the host countries, both culturally and academically. Finally the author argues that, according to the Asian-Pacific experience and at least for this region, the internationalization of higher education tends more toward regionalization than toward globalization.高等教育國際化外國學生澳洲日本馬來西亞臺灣Internationalization of higher educationForeign studentsAustraliaJapanMalaysiaTaiwan高等教育的國際化The Internationalization of Higher Education:A Comparative Study of Asian-Pacific Countries' Foreign Student Policies