國立臺灣師範大學國文學系石曉楓2015-01-292015-01-292004-10-011684-7652http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43734對於以「私小說」形式崛起於大陸文壇的女作家林白、陳染,論者向來關注者,為其小說中所呈現的情欲書寫與女性意識。本論文意圖從另一角度出發,檢視在少女成長經驗的書寫中,林白、陳染所刻畫的家庭樣態、父/母女互動關係;並梳理其間錯綜複雜的親子情感,以及由此而形成的家庭變貌,從而透視此種書寫對於傳統親子關係與家庭功能的顛覆。並由此推衍出二人的小說書寫,具有家庭空間向內推移、「國體」想像過渡至「身體」展演,以及後現代情境表現的歷史意義。In discussing mainland Chinese female writers Lin-bai and Chen-zhan, known for their outstanding “private novels,” critics always center on the feminist issues and “writing of desire” presented in their works. This essay intends to explore these authors from another perspective, looking at how Lin and Chen depict the family situation, specifically the interaction between father, mother and daughter in their description of young girls’ experience of growing up. By clarifying the complexities of intra-familial affection and family metamorphosis, the essay shows that this kind of writing in effect transforms or “transmutes” traditional family relationships and functions. The novels of Lin-bai and Chen-zhan, by depicting the inward movement of family space and the transgressions of the “national image” into the space of the body, may be said to express the historical meaning of postmodern Chinese writing.林白陳染家庭空間身體Lin-baiChen-zhanBodyFamilySpaceTransgressionTransmutationPostmodernism林白、陳染小說中的家庭變貌及意義論述──以女兒書寫為觀察核心Metamorphosis of the Family in the Novels of Lin-bai and Chen-zhan