國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所廖柏森2015-07-032015-07-032009/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=1875522http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73724國內翻譯教學的成效往往未能盡如人意,一個可能的原因在於學生的翻譯學習 型態(translation learning styles)未能配合翻譯學科的特性和教師的教學方式,導致其 學習行為缺乏效率。Robinson(2007)從學習者的角度檢視譯者的養成過程,論證譯 者的學習型態可影響其譯作表現。他主張(1)學習者應有意識地察覺自己的學習上 的長處,進而調整學習環境來強化這些長處,包括察覺自己身為譯者的效能;(2) 學 習者應擴展自己學習型態的可能性。過去也有許多學科將學習型態整合至課堂教學 的實徵研究皆證明其結果相當正面(Felder & Silverman, 1988; Reid,1987, 1995; Sabry & Baldwin,2003 ),可見學習型態在學習過程中扮演相當重要的角色。不過目 前翻譯教學的研究都集中在教學方法和課程設計上,對於學生學習翻譯型態的研究 則完全闕如,需要進一步探究。因此本計畫擬兼採量性和質性研究方法,首先採用 問卷調查大學生的翻譯學習型態,透過預試(pilot study)和統計方法確保量表工具的 信度、計算學生對於問卷的回應以及學習型態和翻譯能力兩變項間的相關性。之後 再進行質性的焦點團體訪談,邀請學習翻譯高成就和低成就學生就其學習型態和情 境交換意見,可補充和深化量性問卷結果不足之處,並提高本計畫的效度。本計畫 的結果應可闡明翻譯學習型態與翻譯能力之間的關係,了解哪些學習型態有助於學 習筆譯,進而協助學生發展適當的學習方式來增進學習效能。並建議教師如何在課 堂上配合學生學習型態來提供適切的翻譯教材教法,以提升教學成果。The effectiveness of translation teaching in Taiwan has often failed to live up to most people’s expectations. One possible reason for this unsatisfactory result may lie in the mismatch between students’ learning styles and features of translation activities as well as teachers’ teaching styles in the classroom. From the perspective of the translator as learner, Robinson (2007) argues that (1) learners should be consciously aware of their strengths and learn to structure their working environment so as to maximize those strengths, including how to discover their effectiveness as a translator, and (2) an awareness of learning styles may also help learners to expand their learning repertoire. Translation learning styles could play an important role in the formation of translation competence. Also, learning styles have been shown in a great deal of studies to be related to success in different subject matters or academic areas (Felder & Silverman, 1988; Reid,1987, 1995; Sabry & Baldwin,2003 ). However, current translation education studies conducted in Taiwan have mostly focused on the development of curriculum and teaching methods. Very little attention has been paid to the study on translation students’ learning styles. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to examine university students’ translation learning styles, with the employment of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. First, a self-reporting questionnaire will be developed on the basis of existing learning style instruments, with modifications suggested by the results of a pilot study. Statistical analyses such descriptive and correlational statistics will be calculated to obtain students’ overall responses to the questionnaire andthe relationship between students’ translation learning styles and their translation competence. Focus group interviews will then be conducted to invite both high achievers and low achievers in the translation classroom to share their thoughts about translation learning styles. The qualitative interviews will be designed to gather more in-depth information about the context of learner’s translating behavior so that the researcher can better understand the role of learning styles in their translation process. The results of interviews can also be used to validate and complement the findings obtained from the questionnaire survey. It is hoped that results of this research project will shed some light on how translation learning styles affect student’s translation competence and help learners be aware of variety of learning styles which could enhance their own learning. On the other hand, translation instructors could benefit from understanding their students’ translation learning styles and provide them with consistent teaching methods and materials in order to improve the quality of translation teaching.翻譯學習型態翻譯能力翻譯教學translation learning stylestranslation competencetranslation instruction大學生翻譯學習型態與其翻譯能力關係之探討A Study of the Relationship between College Students' Translation Learning Styles and Their Translation Competence