黃慶萱2014-10-272014-10-271992-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17852本文指在探索數據、現象、與義理在《周易》研究上的關聯性。由太極、兩儀、四象、八卦、六十四卦、三百八十四爻之數,論其所代表之現象,及其在生命哲學中 意義之所在。論述中對「象數」、「義理」兩派之理論,均有所取舍、溝通、與發揮。並以《周易》〈卦爻辭〉與〈十翼〉是否「言及」與「含有」,作為「據數言 象」、「因象明理」之論斷標準。於《周易》學術上「象數」與「義理」兩派之爭論,具有廓清之作用。The main purpose of this article is to explore the interrelationship between the Entire Figure (數), Images (Hsiang, 象) and the Theory of Ideas (義理) in the study of CHOU I. A philosophy of life is embodied in the phenomena represented by the Figures, including Taichi (太極), Liang Yi (兩儀), Four Images (四象), Eight Trigrams (八卦), Sixty-four hexagrams (六十四卦) and Three-hundred and eighty-four lines of hexagrams (三百八十四爻). Thus, there are two schools of thought of Hsiang Shu (象數) and I Li (義理) in the study of CHOU I. In analyzing the theories of the Hsiang Shu and I Li schools of thought, this article selects aspects of combines, and elaborates on the ideas of both schools. We use both the ambiguities and directness of the "Explanations of the Entire Figure" (KUA TS'U 卦辭 and YAO TS'U 爻辭) and the "SHI I" (十翼) of CHOU I as analytical criteria to illustrate the interrelationship of two theories: the explanation of Images based on Figures and clarification of the Theories of Ideas based on Images. Through the comparative study of the contradictions between the two schools; their meaning can be greatly clarified.周易義理數象周易數象與義理The Interrelationship Between the Entire Figure, Images and the Theory of Ideas of Chou I (Book of Change)