吳正己Cheng-Chih Wu莊瑜菁Yu-Ching Chuang2019-08-292011-2-192019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093083005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92802本研究的目的在探討國內公務機關數位課程實施現況。研究對象選定公務人力發展中心建置之「e等公務園」、地方行政研習中心建置之「e學中心」、行政院主計處建置之「公務員資訊學習網」及台北市政府公務人員訓練處建置之「臺北e大」等四個網站,針對網站平台及自學式數位課程二個向度進行分析。網站平台分析以網站基本資料、課程資訊、平台功能三個構面進行探討;數位課程分析以課程基本資料、課程設計、練習及評量、學習輔助工具四個構面進行分析。研究結果發現:(1)課程以資訊類及生活成長類(含語言類)最多;(2)各網站之公告討論及評核功能大致完善,僅同步互動機制及線上作業繳交功能較少網站提供;(3)各網站之訓練管理皆提供完善之學習歷程紀錄查詢,但學習進度追蹤功能明顯不足;(4)各網站之服務支援功能大致完善,惟軟體安裝說明稍嫌不足;(5)大部分課程均提供課程目標、大綱及適用對象等課程基本資料,學習進度表及預修課程等資訊則較缺乏;(6)課程設計大部分皆已納入形成性及總結性評量,題型多為選擇題,且提供立即回饋說明;(7)課程依教學目標及內容屬性,採用不同的媒體呈現方式並結合不同的教學策略。The purpose of this research was to investigate the current status of the e-learning courses in the civil service training institutions. We focused our analysis on both the self-paced e-learning courses and the website platform of four major civil service training websites. For the website platform, our analysis covered three facets: the website’s basic information, courses offered, and platform’s functions. For the analysis of e-learning courses, four dimensions were examined: course information, curriculum design, exercises and evaluation, and learning supporting tools. The findings of our study were: (1) technology and personal development were the top two offered courses; (2) by and large, each website possessed sound features regarding discussion and evaluation; (3) the websites provided features for recording/querying the learning process, but did not give mechanisms to follow up students’ learning; (4) the service support of each website was satisfied, but could be better by improving on software gearing; (5) enough information was provided for syllabus and prerequisites were lack in most courses; (6) most of the courses had taken formative and summative evaluations into account, but the evaluations were mostly in multiple-choices format; (7) most courses adopted a variety of media presentation methods according to the nature of its content.數位課程e-learning courses國內公務機關數位課程實施現況分析The analysis of the e-learning courses in Taiwan’s Civil Service Training Institutions