周儒Ju Chou姜永浚Yung-Chun, Chiang2019-09-052007-7-232019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692460133%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103659本研究計畫經由德懷術(Delphi method)的實施,來探討優質的環境學習中心所呈現出的特質,以供台灣在發展類似產業時的參考。經過三回合德懷術問卷調查,本研究得到廿七條特質,並可區分為五大類別,分別為:一、整體關切;二、場域與設施;三、經營與管理;四、人員;五、軟體方案。其中有十一項特質被評定為最重要,分別為特質一:「環境學習中心基於其設立目的及所擁有之資源特色(不論是既有的或新開創的),來發展出具體的環境教育使命、目標或願景」;特質四:「環境學習中心應透過制度上的設計,公開且客觀的對其人員、設施、活動方案及經營管理等進行持續的評鑑(evaluation)與改進」;特質七:「環境學習中心內的各項設施與設計能融入當地的環境或反映當地的特色,並廣泛且深入的考量其節能設計、妥善利用能源、趣味性、知性、美學、人文與教育的意涵」;特質九:「環境學習中心應主動連結在地組織或個人,共同落實地方生活、生產與生態的均衡發展」;特質十一:「環境學習中心在經營管理上,應考慮當地的遊憩承載量(recreational carrying capacity),其衝擊參數包括有:1.生態承載量;2.實質承載量;3.設施承載量;4.社會承載量等,以盡可能減少對環境的衝擊」;特質十五:「環境學習中心的工作人員需具備適當的環境素養與永續發展的理念」;特質十八:「環境學習中心最少需有一位具備環境教育專業的全職工作人員」;特質十九:「中心的環境教育專職人員在環境教育的專業能力上,最少需具備下面的六個層面:1.環境素養;2.對『環境教育』的基本認識;3.對身為環境教育者的專業責任;4.規劃並執行環境教育課程與方案的能力;5.促進學習的能力;6.檢討與改進的能力」;特質廿一:「環境學習中心的活動方案通常具備某些特質,如:重啟發而非教導、強調互動而非單向的灌輸、協助參訪者獲得親身的體驗等」;特質廿三:「環境學習中心的活動方案的目的在於協助參訪者發展環境覺知、學習環境知識、培養環境倫理、熟習行動技能,甚至獲得環境行動的經驗」;及特質廿七:「環境學習中心透過設計或安排,使活動方案及設施的使用者能在此體驗與履行對環境友善及永續發展的承諾」等。在廿七項特質中被認為相對上較不重要的有:特質八:「環境學習中心需考慮身心障礙者的學習權利並加以回應,其回應的內容則視中心的需求而定」;特質廿五:「環境學習中心能推陳出新展示、課程及活動方案,吸引參訪者回流、持續運用中心的服務」。The study used Delphi method to explore the characteristics of a high quality environmental learning center. The result of the research can be reference to develop similar industry in Taiwan. The study performed a three-round Delphi survey with a group of experts and identified 27 characteristics which can be categorized into 5 types: overall concern, site and facilities, operation and management, staff, and programs. Among all the characteristics, 11 of them are appraised as more important than others. These characteristics are listed below. Characteristic 1: An environmental learning center develops concrete mission of environmental education based on its objectives and its distinguished resources whether the resources are already there or are created. Characteristic 4: An environmental learning center should regularly evaluate its staff, facilities, programs, operations and management through systematic design. Characteristic 7: The facilities and design in an environmental learning center should blend with local environment or reflect local features, and they should take into consideration energy saving design, energy efficiency, fun, intellectuality, aesthetics, humanism, and education. Characteristic 9: An environmental learning center should actively connect with local organizations or individuals in order to strike a balance among local life, production and ecology. Characteristic 11: To reduce impact on the environment as much as possible, the operation and management of an environmental learning center should consider local recreational carrying capacity whose impact parameters include ecological carrying capacity, actual carrying capacity, facility carrying capacity, and social carrying capacity. Characteristic 15: The staff in an environmental learning center should possess suitable concepts of environmental literacy and sustainable development. Characteristic 18: An environmental learning center needs at least one full-time staff whose expertise is environmental education. Characteristic 19: The expertise of the full-time environmental educator should have at least six aspects listed below: environmental literacy, basic understanding to environmental education, responsibilities as an environmental educator, ability to plan and execute environmental education programs, ability to improve learning, ability to review and to improve. Characteristic 21: The programs in an environmental learning center usually have some features such as inspirations rather than teaching, interactions rather than instillation, and helping visitor to experience. Characteristic 23: The objectives of the programs in an environmental learning center is to assist visitors to develop environmental awareness, environmental knowledge, environmental ethics, action skills, or even to have experience of environmental actions. Characteristic 27: Through design and arrangement, an environmental learning center enables users of the programs or facilities to experience and fulfill commitment to environment friendliness and sustainable development. Among the 27 characteristics, the less important ones are listed below. Characteristic 8: According to the need of each center, an environmental learning center should consider and respond to the learning right of disabilities. Characteristic 25: An environmental learning center can bring forth new exhibitions and programs to attract visitors to come back again and use the service in the center constantly.環境學習中心自然中心環境教育environmental learning centernature centerenvironmental education探討優質環境學習中心之特質—一個德懷術研究