洪翊軒Hung, Yi-Hsuan楊蕓瑄Yang, Yun-Hsuan2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060570050H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98655二十一世紀稱為「綠色環保的時代」,為因應全球暖化問題與能源危 機,各國日漸重視低污染、低能源消耗等環保問題,節能減碳已成為目前 全球的當道議題。為了能降低傳統內燃機汽車所帶來的二氧化碳排放汙染, 各國政府逐漸轉以研發利用「電能」取代「傳統燃料」來驅動交通運輸工 具。專利是一種為推進科技進步的法律和經濟的方法,用來鼓勵人們創造 發明與促進經濟發展的保障制度。 專利具有高度的排他性,因此可以保護發明人在法定期限內具有充分 之發明內容的有效專屬權,且這些資訊可以作為競爭性分析以及技術開發 的基礎。雖然主要的電動車廠商已經為新興技術申請專利,但後進者如何 基於專利探勘之結果,確認未來專利之趨勢,為目前最重要之趨勢,唯少 有學者探討相關議題。因此,本研究擬進行專利探勘,將專利分群為技術 群組之後,並導入 DEMATEL Based Network Process (DNP),求取群落間 之影響關係,技術群組與影響關係所成之集合,為電動車技術平台之原型, 經邀集專家進行修正式德菲法後,確認為電動車平台,分析結果可以作為 發展電動車研發策略之基礎,國內外廠商進而透過本研究之主軸技術平台 可開發未來自有品牌電動車。The twenty-first century has become “the century for green energy”. In order to fight global warming and energy crisis, many countries have started to underline the importance of low-pollution and low-energy consumption vehi- cles. Reducing carbon emission has become the most prominent global issue nowadays. To lower carbon emissions generated from traditional gas engines, countries from around the world are gradually developing electric energy to replace traditional energy for the use in transportation. Patent is a legal and economical tool to encourage creativity and invention. It also stimulates the economy and protect people’s asset. Patents are highly exclusive; therefore they can protect inventors of their exclusive right to the invention if they are within the valid period. This information can serve as the basis for competitive analysis and further technology development. Even though major electric vehi- cle players have already acquired most patents for newest technology, latecom- ers can still enter the industry through patent mining to stipulate platforms for electric vehicles of next generation and to amend policies for future patent managements, which is the most important trend for the industry. Thus, this re- search first categorizes patents into different technicity to compile different pa- tent compositions and then focuses on the correlation between each different patent composition through implantation of DEMATEL Based Network Pro- cess (DNP). Such compositional analysis will be identified as the prototype of the electric vehicle patent platform; the results of the analysis can be used as a basis for developing R& D strategy for electric vehicles. Domestic and foreign manufacturers can further develop the future branded electric vehicles through the spindle technology platform of this research.專利專利檢索多準則決策分析決策實驗室分析法基於決策實驗室之網路流程法電動車平台PatentPatent MiningMCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making)DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory)DEMATEL Based Network Process (DNP)Electric Vehicle Platform以專利探勘與多準則決策分析方法建構未來電動車主軸技術平台Establishing a Major Technology Platform for Future Electric Vehicles by Patent Mining and Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods