謝佳玲Hsieh, Chia-Ling林思廷Lin, Tzu-Ting2019-08-282020-07-292019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060080003I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86121邀請是人際溝通中常見的行為,過去幾十年來也有研究以此為主題進行探討(欒育青,2008;Mao,1992;Tseng,1999;Wolfson,1989)。近年來,網路溝通已然成為現代社會不可或缺的一部份,在網路論壇與人交流的使用者也日益增多。對華語學習者而言,若能了解並適當利用網路平台進行邀請,將獲得更多與華語人士交流的機會。然而,過往研究所關注的邀請行為均為口語邀請,針對網路論壇邀請行為的研究相對缺乏。有鑑於此,本文將探討華語及英語網路論壇邀請文章語言使用的異同,期望能幫助華語學習者熟悉華語論壇邀請文章的常見體例,並順利使用華語母語者常用的策略及句式,撰寫進行合乎華語邀請慣例的邀請文章。 本文蒐集華語論壇「批踢踢實業坊(PTT)」及英語論壇“reddit”上的邀請文章作為語料,從邀請中心策略、支援策略、內部修飾及篇章模式幾個面向,比較華語及英語邀請文章的異同。研究結果顯示,華語母語者偏好較為直接的中心策略進行邀請,英語母語者則傾向較為間接的策略。在支援策略方面,華語及英語母語者都較常選擇訊息導向的策略,即以傳達活動相關資訊為主。此外,華語邀請文章的篇章模式偏向較迂迴的中置和後置模式,而英語母語者則多半選擇直截了當的前置模式。 最後,本文根據研究結果,從情境出發,整理出華語論壇邀請文章常用策略及句式,並根據上述句式設計論壇邀請的語用教學。To invite others is a very common act for most people, and it has been a research topic since decades ago.(欒育青,2008;Mao,1992;Tseng,1999;Wolfson,1989)Nowadays, communication on the Internet has become indispensable in modern society, and more and more people begin to interact with others on Internet forums as well. For Chinese learners, they will have more opportunities to interact with Chinese speakers if they understand and are able to invite on the forums. However, most research focused on oral invitations only, and invitations on Internet forums were almost left untouched. Therefore, this study aims to provide a comparison between strategies in Chinese and English invitations on Internet forums and to help Chinese learners learn to invite on Internet forums with most popular strategies for Chinese native speakers. The researcher collected the invitations posted on Chinese forums, ptt.cc, and English forums, reddit.com, as the data to be analyzed. "Head acts", "supportive moves", "internal modifications", and the textual pattern are compared. The result of the research illustrates that direct strategies are used more often in Chinese invitations, while indirect strategies are dominant in English invitations. Information-based supportive moves, on the other hand, are preferred in both Chinese and English invitations rather than relationship-based ones. As for the textual pattern, the head acts (i.e. invitations) appear in the middle and the end of the text more often in Chinese posts, but in English posts more invitations appear in the beginning. Finally, according to the results mentioned above, the researcher lists the strategies and sentence patterns used most often in three different situations and extends the result of the research to a two-phase teaching plans.邀請言語行為中英對比電腦中介溝通論壇華語教學inviteinvitationChinese-English contrastive analysiscomputer-mediated communicationforumChinese teaching網路論壇邀請行為中英對比A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English Invitations on Internet Forums