黃城博士Huang Cheng Ph.D蔡承棟Tsai Chen-Tong2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095102103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/855232003年12月5日中共公布《中共人民解放軍政治工作條例》,明確賦予解放軍對敵進行「三戰(輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰)」。兩岸經貿近年雖然往來頻繁,但是彼此間仍然是處於敵對的狀態;所以中共所謂對敵進行「三戰」的作為,實際上就是針對台灣為對象,而「三戰」中心理戰為其核心。 中共自始至終不因局勢的和緩,放棄對台心理戰,這是必須認清的事實。雖然戰略環境及決策者的改變,確實造成中共對台心理戰的調整;但中共在堅持「一個中國」原則及胡錦濤「寄希望於台灣人民」的指示下,否定台灣為主權實體國家,刻意繞過台灣政府,單方面宣布水果登陸零關稅、台生學費調降等措施,分化民眾對政府向心,以達到「以民逼官」目的。另運用「和戰兩手」策略,以「軟」擊破台灣人民心防,以「硬」武力威嚇台灣,以「入島、入腦、入心」的心戰企圖,希望台灣民眾在潛移默化下認同台灣是「中國」的一部分。因此,我們應建立「全民國防」共識、厚植「精神戰力」、強化「防衛武力」、落實「資安防護」等積極作為,以因應中共對台之心理戰。 不可否認自2008年5月20日馬英九總統就職後,兩岸有了前所未有的發展願景,人民也希望雙方能摒棄成見,攜手開創雙贏的歷史環境。但是,要達到這個理想,中共首先應放棄「一個中國」原則、廢止《反分裂國家法》、停止國際間打壓及撤除針對台灣的軍事部署等善意回應,彼此朝著「正視現實、開創未來、擱置爭議、追求雙贏」的崇高理念方向邁進,務實檢討兩岸未來的方向,以追求區域與世界永久和平,這是兩岸未來應積極努力的目標。With the promulgation of the Regulations Governing the People’s Republic of China Liberation Army’s Political Operations on December 5, 2003, People’s Liberation Army was empowered to engage in the “Triple Warfare (Media Warfare, Psychological Warfare, and Legal Warfare)” against its enemies. Although the economic and trade ties between the two sides of the Straits have increased in recent years, the PRC and the Republic of China on Taiwan are still in the state of hostility, and the ROC on Taiwan remains the primary target of the “Triple Warfare” of the PRC, with Psychological Warfare as the primary weaponry of the PRC. Even with the ease of tension across the Straits in recent years, the PRC has never ceased its psychological warfare against Taiwan. This is a cruel fact that every citizen in Taiwan must always bear in mind. With the change in strategic environment and decision-maker, there have indeed been adjustments regarding the PRC psychological warfare against Taiwan. However, as the PRC persists in upholding the “One China” policy and its President Hu Jintao’s explicit instruction: “Keeping hope on the people in Taiwan”, the PRC has denied Taiwan’s sovereignty, and without negotiating beforehand with the ROC on Taiwan, unilaterally announced measures such as zero-tariff policy on imported Taiwanese fruit and tuition reduction for all Taiwanese studying in Mainland China. The purpose of adopting such measures is to weaken Taiwanese people’s allegiance to the government, and to accomplish its vicious goal of “cornering the government through people power”. The PRC also adopts the “double-barreled” scheme, in which the “soft” is intended to keep Taiwanese off-guard and the “hard” to intimidate Taiwan with its strong military power. The ultimate goal of the scheme is to impose its vicious political propaganda into the minds of Taiwanese people, brainwashing them and implanting in them the false idea that “Taiwan is part of ‘China’”. Therefore, people living in Taiwan should all stand united as one indivisible nation—backed up by all-out defense, strong in both psychological and defensive weaponry, and solid in information security preventive measures—in order not to fall victim to the psychological warfare of the PRC. Since President Ma Ying-jeou’s inauguration on May 20, 2008, the two sides of the Straits have witnessed unprecedented prospects of development. People on both sides of the Straits hope not only to leave the unpleasant past behind but more importantly, to join hands in creating a “win-win” situation. However, to achieve this goal, the PRC must first abrogate and renounce its “One-China Policy” and “Anti-Secession Law”. It must also stop blocking the ROC on Taiwan’s activities in the global arena; at the same time, it must remove all the military facilities targeting at Taiwan. In fact, both the PRC and the ROC on Taiwan should move forward under the consensus that both sides “are fully aware of the status quo, put aside the controversial issues, and actively pursue a future that is mutually beneficial”. It is under this guiding principle that both the PRC and the ROC on Taiwan should strive for a better future and for the peace and harmony not only for this region but for the entire world.心理戰戰略環境決策第二次政黨輪替政治工作條例Psychological WarfareStrategic EnvironmentDecision-makingReshuffling of Governing Political PartiesRegulations Governing the People’s Republic of China Liberation Army’s Political Operations中共對台心理戰之研究(2003-2009年)People’s Republic of China’s Psychological Warfare against the Republic of China on Taiwan(2003-2009)