林如萍2014-10-272014-10-272007-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18521本文旨在探究家政學科的傳統精神,並進一步反思當今家政的創新理念,據以提出家政教育 之精神:「『創新、服務、做中學』,裝備『生活技能』」,並建議以「溝通、批判思考、做決策」爲「過程能力」與「飲食、衣著、生活管理與家庭」四個主題建 構家政教育之內涵,再以綜合活動學習領域之精神「生活實踐、體驗意義、個別發展、學習統整」,發展教學策略。This paper presents design concepts and considerations for planning and developing middle school home economics education programs in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It includes two parts: (1) Discussing on home economics education trends; (2) Examining alternative views of home economics and their implications for home economics education. Recommendations are made on the basis of the analysis and critique regarding appropriate views of home economics education for the future.家政教育課程九年一貫課程綜合活動學習領域Home economics educationCurriculumGrade 1-9 curriculumIntegrative activities家政的傳統與創新Reflecting on the Past, Projecting for the Future: Strategies for Home Economics Education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum