許佩賢Hsu, Pei-Hsien楊新淇Yang, Hsin-Chi2023-12-082023-08-172023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cc89abf291ae0c563285c84d3f2e010b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120412日治時期的龍安坡462-32位於現今的臺北市青田街7巷6號,這棟和洋折衷式的屋子原為臺北帝國大學理農學部足立仁教授的住所,戰後由國立臺灣大學地質系的馬廷英教授入住。2006年臺北市政府公告為市定古蹟,定名為「國立臺灣大學日式宿舍─馬廷英故居」;2010年由黃金種子文化事業有限公司取得古蹟經營權,開始進行修復工作;2011年修復完成,以「青田七六」之名開放供大眾參訪。本調查研究報告為探本溯源,主要聚焦在「青田七六」日治時期的歷史,探尋其建造者足立仁在日本的成長記事,包含對他人生有關鍵影響的父親足立元太郎、大姐足立孝,以及從他昭和3年(1928)來臺,到昭和20年(1945)二戰結束離臺的生命歷程。除此之外,也說明他和多位帝大教授共組「大學住宅組合」自力興建家屋的緣由、文教區昭和町的形成,以及足立宅的空間配置,再輔以足立仁子女的兒時記憶及相片,得以一窺日治時期足立家的在臺生活。 調查研究成果將成為青田七六歷史文化推廣之基礎資料庫,除作為古蹟導覽資料外亦會放上青田七六官網供大眾閱覽;相信知識資料庫完備後,這棟日式家屋能成為一個歷史的載體,以更多元的方式分享豐富的老屋故事,獲得參訪者共鳴,讓大眾體認到古蹟保存的價值。During Japanese colonial period, Longanpo 462-32, known as present No.6, Lane 7, Qingtian Street, Taipei, used to be the residence of Professor Masashi Adachi, who served as Science and Agriculture Faculty of Taihoku Imperial University. After WWII, Dr. Ting-Ying H. Ma, Geology professor of National Taiwan University, moved into Adachi’s Japanese-Western eclectic house. In 2006, this house was designated as a historical site by Taipei City Government and titled"National Taiwan University Japanese-style Dormitory: Ting-Ying H. Mas’ Former Residence". In 2010, Goldenseeds Co., Ltd. obtained the right to reuse the house and opened it to the public under the name "Qingtian 76" after one year’s renovation. This research has been focused on the history during Japanese colonial period and explored Masashi Adachi’s personal stories in Japan, including his father Mototaro Adachi and elder sister Taka Adachi, who had significant influences on his life, as wellas his life course from 1928 to 1945 in Taiwan. In addition, it also explains why Masashi Adachi constructed the University Housing Association with his colleagues in Taihoku Imperial University to build houses by their own efforts, the formation of district Showacho and the spatial configuration of Adachi’s house. Also, through memories of Adachi's children and old photos, we can understand life of the Adachi family in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period. The results of this research will become basic database for promotion of Qingtian 76’s history. It will not only be used as materials of giving guided tour to this historical site, but also posted on Qingtian 76’s official website for public browsing. I believe that after the knowledge database is complete, this Japanese house will become a history carrier and we can share all itsstories in more diverse ways so as to resonate with visitors and make the public realize the value of heritage preservation.足立仁大學住宅組合昭和町札幌農學校北海道帝國大學臺北帝國大學和洋折衷住宅青田七六Masashi AdachiUniversity Housing AssociationShowachoSapporo Agricultural SchoolHokkaido Imperial UniversityTaihoku Imperial UniversityJapanese-Western eclectic houseQingtian 76「青田七六」的歷史與建築沿革調查研究報告──足立仁與他的南方家屋The Historical and Architectural Research of Qingtian 76:Masashi Adachi and his Residence in Taiwanreport_pro