葉俶禎Yeh, Chu-Chen Rosa杜英杰Lemma, Yadel Mesafent2023-12-082022-09-162023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7a282f8392a7f0e2bf2830f8b2a75cd3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118901noneABSTRACT In recent years, partly due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, telecommuting and especially working-from-home (WFH) work arrangement had become a widespread work arrangement norm. However, as organizations all over the globe switched to these remote systems for long period of times, due to isolation and other negative aspects of working from home has emerged and gained more spotlight by researchers. This research proposed the concept that employees after getting taken out for long period of time from the organization physically, their job satisfaction which correlates to their organizational identity will suffer, as the organization’s value, missions, and goals cannot properly be addressed through more impersonal channels properly. Through quantitative data collection, a sample size of 200 was collected. Regression analysis showed that indeed job satisfaction and organizational identification are positively correlated. However, the weakening effects of working-from-home were only partially supported, as the frequency of the WFH arrangement measured in days per month indeed had negative effects on the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational, while the length of time of the WFH policy was implemented had no significant effect.Keywords: working from home, COVID-19, telecommuting, job satisfaction, organizational identificationnoneworking from homeCOVID-19telecommutingjob satisfactionorganizational identificationThe Effect of Working-From-Home on Employee Attitudes during COVID-19 PandemicThe Effect of Working-From-Home on Employee Attitudes during COVID-19 Pandemicreport_pro