翁紹庭盧鴻毅侯心雅Shao-Ting WengHung-Yi LuHsin-Ya-Hou2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/266本研究這在採用「計畫行為理論」(TPB)作為理論基礎,並加入「樂觀偏誤」作為中介變項,探討影響金門縣婦女消費中國製食品意願的因素。本橫斷面的調查研究共發出617份問卷,最後回收491份有效問卷(有效回收率為79.6%),受訪者的平均年齡為42.21歲(SD=7.55)。透過結構方程模式分析,本研究發現,「主觀規範」負向地預測受訪者消費中國製食品的意願;對中國製食品的「態度」愈正向,受訪者消費中國製食品的意願愈高;此外,受訪者愈覺得自己可以控制消費中國製食品的風險,愈覺得自己不會買到有問題的中國製食品,進而消費中國製食品的意願愈高。本研究發現,此一整合模式的計畫行為理論外生變項及樂觀偽誤中介變項,共可解釋受訪者消費中國製食品意願29%的變異量,上述發現可供對食品行銷及教育感興趣者參考。This study, based on the theoretical framework of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and optimistic bias, aims to examine the determinants of intentions to consume food made in China among women in Kinmen. This cross-sectional study surveyed 617 respondents and 491 completed the self-administered questionnaire (the valid response rate is 79.6%). The average age of respondents is 42.21 (SD=7.55). The structural equation model results show that subjective norms significantly and negatively predict intentions of consuming food made in China while attitudes significantly and positively predict such intentions. Also, perceived behavioral control significantly predicts optimistic bias, and then significantly and positively predicts intentions of consuming food made in China. The exogenous and mediated variables of the integrated model explain 29% variance in intentions to consume food made in China and the findings are inspiring to those who are interested in food marketing and education.中國製食品計畫行為理論樂觀偏誤food made in Chinaoptimistic biastheory of planned behavior影響消費中國製食品意願的因素:以金門地區婦女為例Factors Influencing Intentions to Consume Food Made in China: A Study on Women in Kinmen