國立臺灣師範大學地理學系許嘉恩洪立三2016-03-222016-03-222012-09-011018-1067http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76993近期社區依附的研究,強調在既有的社會面向社區依附外,也應有自然面向的依附。然而,仍缺少社會面向社區依附與雙面向社區依附之間在應用上的比較研究。本研究透過模式比較,確立社區依附內涵除了社會面向外,也應包含自然面向,並且需要區隔兩個面向。本研究以三個包含不同社區依附概念指標社會面向社區依附、混合社會與自然面向的社區依附、雙獨立 (面向社區依附 ) 之模式預測居民對關渡自然公園看法,並進行模式比較,結果發現包含兩個獨立面向社區依附的模式解釋力不僅優於僅包含社會面向的模式,也優於包含混合面向社區依附的模式;包含混合面向社區依附的模式解釋力優於僅包含社會面向社區依附的模式。本研究成果有助於社區依附概念的釐清與理論建構,也回應過去研究中,人對於地方的情感投入影響到居民對保護區看法的論述。Several recent studies have argued that community attachment should have not only the social dimension but the natural dimension. However, few studies have compared the social dimension model and two-dimension model when predicting, for example, local attitudes toward protected areas. The importance of the natural community attachment can be confirmed by this comparison. In this study, three models, which include the social dimension indicator, social and natural dimension indicators (two separate indicators), and mixed community attachment indicator (combining natural and social dimension attachment indicators into one attachment indicator), are constructed and are used to predict local attitudes toward the Guandu Nature Park, Taipei, Taiwan. Statistical results show that, in predicting local attitudes toward the park, two-indicator model is better than the social-dimension model and mixed-indicator model. Furthermore, the mixed-indicator model is better than the social-dimension model. This study has implications for theorizing community attachment, and responds to previous research by demonstrating that attachment influences the attitudes toward protected areas.社區依附地方依附模式比較多元迴歸保護區Community attachmentPlace attachmentModel comparisonMultiple regressionProtected area雙面向社區依附概念的確立:一個模式比較的研究Confirming the Two Dimensions of Community Attachment: A Model Comparison Study