相子元Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang戴一涵Tai, I-Han2019-09-052013-8-122019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060033001A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106161目的:欲了解使用不同轉動慣量之自主最快動作速度慣性式阻力訓練, 對於其造成的訓練效果進行分析比較。方法:35名健康男女參與本研究, 使用轉動慣量可調整之自製慣性式阻力訓練器材,各組別給予不同的轉動 慣量訓練並紀錄三週以及六週的等長及等速肌力測試結果,並使用二因子 重複量數變異數分析法比較不同轉動慣量組間以及訓練前後的差異。結果: 等長收縮肌力訓練後皆有顯著增加,但不同轉動慣量組別間並無差異;低 等速向心肌力測試方面,組別間及訓練前後皆無顯著差異,而離心肌力測 試訓練後皆有顯著增加,但組別間並無差異;高等速向心及離心肌力測試 方面,訓練後皆有顯著增加,但組別間並無差異;肌電圖表現不論中位頻 率或平均功率頻率皆顯示下降。結論:六週慣性式阻力訓練能有效增加自 主最大收縮力量,而且在高測試速度動作表現上由於向心或是離心收縮的 肌肉能力都可有效提升。因此建議應藉由調整轉動慣量大小,達到低於其 目的的速度再進行自主最快的動作訓練,以獲得較佳的訓練結果。Purpose: To identify the effect of different Moment of inertia (MoI)resistance on lower limbs strengthening by using inertia resistance training. Method: 35 healthy college students were recruited and arranged to different MoI groups for 6weeks training. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force, isometric contraction peak torque (ICT) of quadriceps muscle were obtained. Two-way analysis of variance (mixed design) was processed. Significant level was set at (=.05. Results: Significantly improve after 6 weeks training upon MVC, ICT of eccentric contraction on high and low testing speed, and concentric contraction on high testing speed. There is no difference between groups. Mean power frequency and middle frequency were both lower. Concussion: Inertial resistance training can enhance lower limb strength especially in high speed movement and eccentric performance. And training should use maximal voluntary velocity whether the MoI. However, which training velocity is the most efficiently still unknown and will need further research.訓練速度離心收縮肌肉活化等速肌力EccentriceEMGIsokinetic performanc六週不同轉動慣量之慣性式阻力訓練 對下肢肌力表現的影響The effect on lower limb strengthening by using different moment of inertia resistance for 6 weeks