程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu曾郁嫻Tseng, Yu-Hsien2019-09-052008-7-192019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694300026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105627摘要 為關心近年來社會甲組女子球隊陸續解散之現象,本研究以亞東女籃為例,藉由文獻分析探討企業贊助亞東女籃成立之背景,並透過訪談前亞東女籃之選手,以瞭解亞東女籃解散之因素,提出社會甲組女子籃球環境對球員生涯發展之影響。研究結果發現,亞東女籃為國家政治、經濟蓬勃發展下的產物;然而,發展至後期,由於亞東女籃面臨球員流失、戰績停滯不前等影響,企業因而決議停止球隊運作,擁有三十多年歷史的亞東女籃便宣告落幕。然而,除上述因素外,亦發現社會甲組女籃採取莊園式的選手培育制度、企業依經營者意願決定贊助與資源的提供以及社會氛圍(運動媒體)仍認為籃球不適於女性參與的觀念皆影響女籃發展停滯不前,且球隊未能提供球員生涯規劃的諮詢,造成球員的生涯阻礙。最後,針對以上研究結果提出以下幾點建議:(1) 建置球員、教練與企業經營者之溝通平台;(2)建立明確獎懲制度,以利規範球員薪資與福利;(3)生涯規劃諮詢之提供,輔導球員退休後生涯準備;此外,建議未來相關研究可對其餘球隊進行研究,並於訪談對象中增加企業界與體育運動組織相關人士,以強化研究深度及廣度。Abstract The phenomenon of disbanded semi-professional women’s basketball teams had cause concern. The purpose of this research was to focus on Far Eastern women’s basketball team. The background of establishment of Far Eastern women’s basketball teams were analyzing through content analysis. In-depth interviews were conducted on coaches, and athletes in female semi-professional basketball teams in order to understand the reasons that cause Far Eastern women’s basketball teams disband and proposed the influences of women’s basketball field in women’s basketball athletes. Findings that emerged from the analyses of related literature and interview data has shown that Far Eastern women’s basketball team is the product in the stable political atmosphere and booming economics; however, Far Eastern enterprise decided choose to end up women’s basketball team for their poor performance and lacking of athletes. Although Far Eastern company had offer salary for their athletes, but the enterprise cannot offer career development plan to help athletes overcome their career barriers. It is suggested that the platform within athlete, coach and enterprise should be set up; moreover, policies and regulation should be formulated by enterprise; furthermore, enterprise should offering career developmental information for athletes. As for future research, it can be intensify of depth and range by investigating other women’s basketball teams for comparing the differences between teams and increasing participants from sport government and sponsoring enterprise.女子籃球運動贊助社會甲組籃球運動women’s basketballsponsorshipsemi-professional basketball teams臺灣地區社會甲組女子籃球運動現況之研究—以亞東女籃解散事件為例The current situation of semi-professional women’s basketball teams in Taiwan — The disbanded event of Far Eastern women’s basketball teams