李勤岸Li Chin-an游舒帆Yu Shu-fan2019-08-292015-2-102019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098262118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93267本研究旨在尋求有效的台羅拼音學習方式,試圖以遊戲的方式融入台羅拼音教學,經實驗組與對照組比較教學之後的學習成效,解決學生台羅拼音學習成效不佳的問題。遊戲具有刺激、鼓勵且能引起學習動機的功能。本行動研究中的學生分別來自兩國小五年級學生,由同一教師授課,經由十三週行動教學的研究,收集資料、分析觀察、訪談、教學反思與問卷調,彙整並加以統計程式SPSS分析結果,盼能對台羅拼音教學的方式找到另一有效及有系統的方法,以使學生在學習過程中能以愉悅的心情、改變以往學習台羅拼音的態度,進而提升台語的聽、說、讀、寫能力。 實施遊戲融入台羅拼音教學時,同時獲致教學與學習上顯著的成效如下: 一、經遊戲融入台羅拼音教學後,研究者發現教師與實驗組學生的雙向互動、學生的反應及學習的高度興趣遠高於對照組學生。 二、實驗組學生在台羅拼音教學學習中有五個顯著成效與優點: 1.提高學生參與台羅拼音學習 2.增加教師與學生的雙向互動。 3.改變學生對台羅拼音的學習態度。 4.遊戲增加學生在班級的社交能力。 5.檢視經由重複練習之學習影響力。 三、研究者解決一些學習台羅拼音的困擾,並提出行動研究後的建議。Games in Teaching Taiwanese Romanization Spelling --A Case of 2 Grade 5 classes from 2 schools in Ba Dou Area, Keelung The purpose of this study aimed to explore the real condition and effects of games teaching on Taiwanese Romanization for Grade 5 students, and to investigate the difficulties in the process and solving methods. Games are a motivational tool to encourage and stimulate learning and attention. Based on a case of study, the subjects were a total of 53 students in grade 5 from 2 different schools, taught by a researcher. Throughout 13 weeks research, the data was collected and analyzed by means of classroom observation, interviewing the students, reflective journal, surveys of opinions from students and Taiwanese teachers and document analysis based on SPSS. Research findings are summarized as follows: 1. By incorporating games into Taiwanese Romanization Spelling, the researcher found the interaction between the teacher and students, the students’ reaction on Taiwanese Romanization Spelling learning, and the performance to be highly different to normal Taiwanese class. 2. Having games in teaching Taiwanese Romanization Spelling has 5 significant advantages, both in teaching and learning aspects: (1) Promoting the students’ participation in learning Taiwanese Romanization Spelling. (2) Increasing interaction between the teacher and students. (3) Changing the attitudes in learning and using Taiwanese Romanization Spelling. (4) Improving social ability by having games with classmates. (5) Examining learning impacts, and achieving the objective of repeated practice. 3.The researcher encountered and finally solved some difficulties in Taiwanese Romanization Spelling, and many differences between the students from dissimilar classes. Based on the results as above, the suggestions for Taiwanese Romanization Scheme and further study were proposed.台羅拼音行動研究遊戲融入教學Taiwanese Romanization SchemeAction ResearchGamesIntegrated Teaching遊戲融入台羅拼音─以基隆市八斗地區兩國小五年級為例Games in Teaching Taiwanese Romanization Spelling-- A Case of 2 Grade 5 classes from 2 schools in Ba Dou Area, Keelung