李振明許正益2020-12-102013-1-292020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095603112%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114936「月是故鄉明,夜是故鄉美」,能在台北大都會成長,是何等的幸福。台北有說不完的人文與地理景觀等待大家去研究探討。本研究論文「大觀山河圖」,顧名思義即以大屯山、觀音山、淡江為題材,一面追朔台北的歷史與近代的景觀改變,一面研究現代的夜景所帶來的璀璨美景。在中國山水畫中,古人無太多的夜景畫作,能參考的非常有限,故本研究希望能紀錄一些台北夜景。 先從動機談起,再研究歷代畫中有關的文獻記載,並闡述淡水河兩岸景觀古今風貌,並加入夜景的畫法,以突顯「大觀山河」此系列作品的特色。 本論作共分六章: 第一章:緒論,闡述自己的動機、目的、方法和範圍、規劃方向與步驟。 第二章:大屯山、觀音山…等的歷史變遷與環境人文變異。 第三章:淡水河沿岸風光的興衰 第四章:從古今名畫中找尋繪畫表達形式 第五章:「大觀山河圖」的形式與創作來源的契機 第六章:對此系列作品分析作一個總結The moon of home town is brighter than others. I’m so pleasure that I grow up in Taipei. There are many artificial and geographical scenery which were waited to research. This thesis is about “The Pictures About Tatunshan and Guanyinshan” they represents Tatunshan, Mt. Guanyin, and Tamkang. The works is talked about Taipei history and the changes of the scenery in the recent years. However, there are few acient works about these scenery, so I don’t have many references on former works.Therefore, I hope to memorize the Taipei scenery. First, we will talk about the motion. Second, research the resemble documents. Third, describe the difference of Danshuei scenery between the ancient periods and the modern times. In this way, “The Pictures About Tatunshan and Guanyinshan” will have its features. This thesis separate into six chapters as following. Chapter one---Introduction. It’s including Motive, Purpose, Methodology, and Subjects of the Research. Chapter two---the history about the difference of Mt. Tatun, Mt. Guanyin, and the variety of the surrounding and humanities. Chapter three---the scenery along the Tamsui River, and its prosperity and declination. Chapter four---seeking for the form of the paintings from the acient works. Chapter five---the chance about the creation of the pictures about Tatunshan and Guanyinshan. Chapter six--- analysis and summerize the series of the works.大觀淡江中國名畫水墨GuanyinshanDan Jiangthe acient Chinese paintingsink painting大觀山河圖 許正益水墨繪畫創作論述The Pictures About Tatunshan and Guanyinshan An inspired research and a collection of Chinese ink paintings