陳允宜Chen, Yun-Yi高紹恩Kao, Shao-En2023-12-082023-06-302023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/74f305b2a1fa2f574045f46460d64212/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121874羅伯特・舒曼 (Robert Schumann, 1810-1856) 出生於書香世家,童年的文學養分讓他對文字有著不凡的敏銳,在詩詞與音樂的結合有過人的天份。在《女人的愛情與生活》(Frauenliebe und Leben, Op.42) 中,他用鋼琴動機巧妙串連整部作品的手法,讓詩因著樂音更為響亮且令人著迷。他在音樂編排上的細膩與獨到,也開拓了德國藝術歌曲 (Lied) 的發展,於鋼琴、歌者演唱與詩詞意象的連結具不可磨滅的開創性。本論文的寫作目的便是在於揣摩舒曼於創作聯篇歌曲《女人的愛情與生活》時所受到的外在影響與內在心境,以期了解本作品在時代裡特殊的定位,探尋在後世價值中的不可替代性。筆者將分為六個章節闡釋,第一章為緒論;第二章探討十九世紀德文藝術歌曲興起的因素;第三章則是聚焦於舒曼的生平與其藝術歌曲作品;第四章闡述夏米索的生平與文學特色;第五章就《女人的愛情與生命》中每一首歌曲作分析及詮釋;第六章為結語,期許藉由本詮釋報告對作品的探討,能更深入暸解舒曼、夏米索在作品當中深藏的美好,並用歌唱為這部作品注入新的能量。Robert Schumann (1810-1856), was born in a scholarly family. Under the great impact of his family, Schumann showed an extraordinary sensitivity to words and had a brilliant talent for the combination of poetry and music. In his song cycle Op.42 Frauenliebe und Leben, he cleverly linked the whole piece with piano motives, making the poem more fascinating with the melody. He also expanded the development of German art song (Lied), and his composition of the relationship between singer and piano was also groundbreaking.The purpose of the study is to figure out the external influence and internal mood that Schumann received when he composed the song cycle. In this thesis are there six chapters to discuss the special position and the irreplaceability of Frauenliebe und Leben. This thesis focuses on three aspects: (1) the development of Lied (2) the life and creation feature of the composer Schumann and the poet Adelbert von Chamisso (3) the interpretation and analysis of each piece. The aims of this study are to enhance the understanding of the hidden beauty between poems and liederkreis. To infuse new energy into singing.舒曼藝術歌曲《女人的愛情與生活》夏米索畢德麥雅Robert SchumannSchumannFrauenliebe und LebenOp.42LiedAdelbert von ChamissoChamissoBiedermeier舒曼聯篇歌曲《女人的愛情與生活》的分析與詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of Schumann's Song Cycle Frauenliebe und Lebenreport_art